Monday, September 30, 2019

Black Elk Speaks Essay

Black Elk Speaks is about a Native American boy that has visions and these visions help him with the religious aspects of live. He has these visions that tell him what to do and shows him the path to righteousness. These visions can also be seen as myths, which are stories that try to explain something. Every culture has their own collection of myths. Black Elk Speaks is also a very symbolic book, because it has the use of many objects or people that represent other things. In the American culture, as well as other cultures around the world, are also very symbolic. The American culture is very diverse in that there are many different cultures that have mixed and created the American culture. The American culture is not something that is easily explained, because it is so mixed with many other cultures from around the world. At first there were American Indians and they brought along their tribes and myths and rituals. Then came the British and over time the Chinese because of the California gold rush. In time America was in habited with many different nationalities and ideas. These ideas were slowly but surely blended together. As for example, when the British shared their meal with the Indians they were also sharing their culture and food. The exchange of food and other ideas brought the two distant worlds closer. The more important ideas are what does all this exchanging of food and ideas symbolize? â€Å"A symbol is something such as an object, picture, written word, sound, or particular mark that represents something else by association, resemblance, or convention†(Wikipedia, 1). The object used in Black Elk Speaks is a pipe, given to them by a â€Å"young and very beautiful† woman, which symbolizes trust and companionship. Now, my friend, let us smoke together so that there may be only good between us† (Black Elk Speaks, 5). Black Elk and Neihardt have a smoke together to share their friendship and trust between the two. The pipe can also symbolize peace amongst people and/or tribes. Another act, such as the killing of a bison, might be seen as bravery, integrity, courage, pride. The American culture changed drastically when more cultures were included, such as the Chinese and African Americans. Slaves brought in from Africa, which meant that they brought along their culture and tendencies to America. Even though slavery was not the right thing to do, it brought a new culture into America and made it more diverse and â€Å"developed. † For example, superstitions are something that has shaped the culture as well. Spilled salt, walking under a ladder, a broken mirror, etc. are all superstitions that are said to lead to bad luck. When someone does one of these things they believe that bad luck is upon them. This causes them to act in a different way. Something bad in the future happens they may turn and blame it on the bad luck. Maybe some of the things that happen are just coincidences but culture has taught us to believe that it was the bad luck caused by the spilled salt, broken mirror, or walking under a ladder. Another big symbol in Black Elk Speaks is the four ribbons tied to the pipe that Black Elk and Neihardt smoke. It represents the powers of the four quarters of the universe. There are four ribbons tired to the pipe and each ribbon is a different color, which symbolizes a different power. Black is for the west, the source of the rain; red is for the east, the place of the morning star that gives wisdom; white is for the north, source of cleansing wind; and yellow is for the south, the places of summer and growth. Myths are another big thing that shapes a culture. Black Elk’s visions are like the myths in this story. In his vision, a bay horse greets Black Elk. He then tells Black Elk that he will tell him a story of the life history of himself. The horse walks in a circular motion â€Å"‘Behold me! ’ he said, ‘My life-history you shall see. ’†¦ ‘Behold them! Their history you shall know’† (Black Elk Speaks, 19). Each side that the horse goes to there are twelve horses that are each in a group of different colors. The horses to the north are white, those to the east are sorrel, those to the south are buckskin, and the ones to the west are black. The horses will take Black Elk to his Grandfathers. The sky fills with dancing horses that change into diverse creators and lead a formation of the horses from the four directions. They arrive at a cloud those changes into a tepee with a rainbow door, which inside the six Grandfathers are waiting. A myth is like a traditional story which usually contains some sort of hero or event. In this myth, the vision that Black Elk is having, is an event that is occurring. A bay horse appears in front of him and shows him the way to meet the six Grandfathers. Sometimes myths may sound like a fairy tale. For example, in ancient China, there was once this monkey that was very troublesome and cause destruction to the heavens. He was punished and put under a mountain. After about several hundred to a thousand years a monk comes along to save the monkey and there starts a journey of adventures and evil to obtain immortality. This is a myth because it is a legend of a hero that is punished for his crimes and therefore pays his debt by serving under his master. There are many aspects of a culture. The American culture is very diverse and tough to explain in one short answer. There is no true American culture because it is just a mixture of different cultures from around the world. Black Elk Speaks shows the forms of myths and symbols and how they contribute to American culture. Black Elk’s myths and symbols are very similar to those of the American culture.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

 Benefits of encouraging and rewarding positive behaviour Essay

When it comes to behaviour it can be easy to focus on what we need to stop children from doing. The problem with this approach is that it does not help children know what they should be doing. This means that nowadays there is much more emphasis on encouraging positive behaviour . A good starting point is to think about the positive behaviour or goals that you should be encouraging in children. This may be outlined in your settings policy or you may need to observe what other staff seem to encourage. If you are working in a setting that several ages of children notice the way in which there are different expectations according to the age of the children Why encouraging and rewarding positive behaviour works 1. It helps children to learn what they need to do 2. It creates calmer environment and stronger relationships 3. Children respond well 4. Children learn from adults Skills and techniques for positive behaviour 1. Rewards 2. Attention 3. Praise 4. Star charts 5. Being given responsibility 6. Treats 7. Stickers 8. Timing 9. Explanation 10. Public acknowledged Settings for children and young people Children centres children aged 0-5yrs Day care facilcity children ages 0-5yrs A home setting children aged 0-8yrs Extended care children and young people 4-16yrs Youth activity club young 11-16yrs A reception class ks1 in a primary school A crà ¨che for children up to the age up to 5yrs Attention seeking What a child does Many children show attention seeking behaviour at times . it can be a sign of insecurity or in some cases mean that children have become used to having a lot of adult attention How to deal with it It is often best to ignore attention seeking behaviour unless it is dangerous as by challenging it you may be teaching children that they can get attention this way Biting What a child does Many toddlers bite especially if they are in group care. Biting is often linked to frustration and can become a habit How to deal with it Act immediately Give the victim attention first Once a child has bitten, it is likely that another bite will follow Behaviour problems that should be referred Biting, aggression, change of behaviour ,self-harming, bullying It is unusual for most settings to try a few strategies’ first before referring to other professionals sometimes unwanted behaviour is a result of a medical condition or learning difficulty while others might be linked to emotional difficulty that the child has table 2 shows some of the pros who may support the child and their family. GP family doctor This is often the first part of call as the family doctor will able to refer to others. Health visitor A health visitor may visit the family at home and give some advice. Educational physcologist The educational physcologist will look at the children’s learning and behaviour. Child psychiatrist A child psychiatrist will help children who may have metal health issues. Family counsellor A family counsellor may help work with whole family and child. Play therapist Children who have had some trauma may see a play therapist so that they can work on what has happened.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Social Responsibility and the Community Research Paper

Social Responsibility and the Community - Research Paper Example Notably, corporate social responsibility promotes the reputation of the company and creates a competitive advantage. In the modern world, organizations are under pressure to practice corporate social responsibility while still making profits. Indeed, it has become an expectation for all organizations to be ethically and socially responsible for the benefit of the organization and the society (ISO, 2010). This paper will research and write an analysis of Starbucks social actions in the community. Analysis Starbucks Coffee Company is the leading coffee retailer, roaster, and brand of specialty coffee in the world. Starbucks originated from Seattle, USA, but today it operates in over 60 countries with more than 18,000 stores. Starbucks specializes in premium and sell salads, books, gifts, warm and cold beverages, and other accessories. Due to its wide market network, high quality of its products, and the wide range of products, Starbucks commands a significant market presence where it h as the largest customer base in the coffee other blend- drinks industry. As a result, it interacts with many societies and therefore influences their lives. Therefore, there is need for a corporate social responsibility strategy to guide the operations of Starbucks Coffee Company all over the world. ... Indeed, it is clear from the organization’s website that Starbucks adopted various corporate social responsibility strategies with a view of achieving its mission statement. Specifically, the corporate social responsibility strategies adopted by Starbucks includes the 2000 partnership with Conservation International aimed at creating ethical coffee-sourcing guidelines (Bruhn-Hansen, 2012) and the formulation of the Starbucks Foundation. Moreover, Starbucks seeks to be accountable to all Starbucks stakeholders and making social investments in origin countries as well as minimizing their environmental impact. Additionally, the organization participates in the Global Month of Service. There are various pros and cons to the application of the respective corporate social responsibility strategies adopted by Starbucks Coffee Company. For example, the 2000 partnership with Conservation International aimed at creating ethical coffee-sourcing guidelines derives notable pros and cons. I n this strategy, Starbucks boosts the lives of farmers by purchasing at outright prices, signing long-term contracts, and buying directly from farms and cooperatives (Starbucks Corporation, 2013). This equally ensures sustainable supply of high-quality coffee to the organization. Moreover, through the Ecologic Enterprise Ventures and the CI Foundation, Starbucks avails credit facilities to farmers (Starbucks, 2001). Nevertheless, an outright price and long-term contracts hinders the farmer from enjoying better prices from other companies in the near future. More so, there is a risk to the repayment of the loans given to the farmers. On the other hand, the partnership allows Starbucks to give financial incentives and rewards to coffee suppliers who conserve the environmental and demonstrate

Friday, September 27, 2019

Project of My Ten Years into the Future Assignment

Project of My Ten Years into the Future - Assignment Example Initial I find that it is a bit difficult to interact with these women whose culture, lifestyle and language are so much different from that of me. It gets difficult to make them understand what I mean. But now the situations have changed a lot. I still remember those days when I had just joined this NGO. At that time it was a small organization with only 50 people engaged with it. Conditions were quite difficult for the organization. It was facing crisis both in terms of human capital as well as financial capital. But the practice which was in the exercise was the willpower of all those people who were engaged with the NGO. We all had a single motto to render modern medical services to underdeveloped countries. Conditions were quite pathetic in the interior part of these countries. Along with health care, unemployment and illiteracy were the other major problems which these poor people were fighting. So our organization decided that along with medical services, they will try to irra diate illiteracy and unemployment in these areas. At present, our organization has several working units in different part of the world that provide medical assistance to developing nations. We also run free schools for children were midday meal is provided for free of cost. This helps the children to have healthy and hygienic food and reduces the cases of malnutrition. For women and working men, night schools are available so that they can attain higher education and can grab better careers. In the developing countries, the growth rate of population is much higher than the rate at which medical health centers are developing.

Thursday, September 26, 2019

The Odyssey, by Homer Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The Odyssey, by Homer - Essay Example This is certainly something Telemachus would do later on in the story when he would help Odysseus not only defeat the suitors but also show himself to be a good son. The irony in the passage comes across quite clearly when we realize that Achilles was indeed the mightiest of warriors and essentially had god like qualities of strength and bravery. However, in death he is little more than a weak spirit who is helpless to assist his father or even to know how his son is doing. The finality of death and of losing your abilities which you had once is an allusion to how mortality is perhaps is the ultimate answer to hubris as all living humans, regardless of their strength, abilities or heroics, must die. The external connections of this passage are varied and many since they not only describe the parentage of Achilles, they also discuss his progeny. Achilles is noted by Odysseus to have been quite a hero who was revered as much as the gods themselves. The passage also reminds us that Odysseus has not yet reached home which is the seemingly never-ending quest he is engaged in. Rugged Ithaca eludes him as much as the news about the son of Achilles eludes Achilles. Thus the passage certainly refers to earlier parts of the same tale while pushing the idea that Achilles is an important character in some other story. That story of course is the Iliad which is a part of the greater tale of the Battle of Troy itself. It also shows the great respect that Odysseus had for Achilles since even after his death Odysseus considers Achilles to be a prince amongst the dead. The most moving element of the entire passage is that even though Achilles is dead, he does not want to be so since he has lost all that he had and the realm of the dead has nothing to offer him. Moreover, his lack of information about his lordly son and even his dear father certainly troubles him since he does not know if his father has managed to keep a hold of the empire he had or if he has lost it

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Individual Assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words - 1

Individual Assignment - Essay Example The geographical concentration of production units which was once part of the developed world such as US, UK and other parts of the Europe is now clearly finding its way towards cheaper and sustainable production locations across the globe. What is critical to note and understand however, is the fact that automobile industry has remained also one of the symbols of national pride for the developed economies. US and other economies have virtually developed with the development of their automobile industry and it was also because of this reason that after the financial crisis of 2008, US government injected large amount of money into the automobile industry in order to help it survive the recession. Though the traditional concept of nation-state is linked with the geographical area from where political legitimacy as a sovereign state can be driven however, the overall concept has changed over the period of time. (Ersoy, 2010).   Since the advent of globalization, it has been advocated that world has become border less and the role of State has either been vanished or is minimized to the best. This however, has not been the case as State and the concept of nation-state has survived over the period of time. (Dicken, 2007) In traditional sense, a State is usually a political and geographical entity whereas the nation is more of a cultural concept. The nation-state therefore is a concept which combines both the concepts and suggests that nation-state can be formulated at different times and different places in the world. A nation-state therefore has an official language, its own legal system, issues a currency, and makes use of bureaucracy to order the overall society. A nation-state also extracts the legitimacies and loyalties for abstract entity called State. (McNeely, 1995) The advent of globalization has resulted into a gradual decline in the power of State to work

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Plagiarism and integrity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Plagiarism and integrity - Essay Example In short, the education that they are paying for and the years of their life that they are sacrificing are ultimately wasted if this is a habitual trait that will be exhibited again and again. Yet, there are many reasons for why low academic integrity are noted within various individuals. As such, the following analysis will briefly present some of these reasons and causes and help the reader to come to a more informed understanding for why academic integrity is so vitally important and what motivates individuals to cheat the system and to cheat their own education. One of the core reasons for why individuals display a low level of academic integrity has to do with the fact that they are simply lazy to learn the required material or perform the required task (East and Donnelly 3). Although it is true that laziness is not a vital or fundamental flaw, allowing it to dictate how one displays levels of honesty or academic integrity is most certainly a core flaw. Another reason for why low levels of academic integrity are exhibited has to do with an individual that might have a very low level of familiarity or comfort with a given subject. For instance, an international student that struggles with English as a second language may be tempted to plagiarize as a means of performing a very difficult task easily (Mahmud and Bretig 438). Last but not least, an individual may be tempted to exhibit a low level of academic integrity in the eventuality that they have put an assignment off to the very last minute; so much so that the only recourse for accompli shing it within the time period in question is to cheat and present someone else’s work as their own (Spain 154). In essence, there are many reasons for why students cheat; however, none of them are more noble than another and none of them can be excused. As such, it is necessary to ensure that all

Monday, September 23, 2019

Economic Analysis of Patented Drugs vs. Generic Drugs Research Paper

Economic Analysis of Patented Drugs vs. Generic Drugs - Research Paper Example As for example, phenytoin which is the common name and Dilantin is the business name for a single drug. When one drug is in rights security, the company sells it with its business name. When a drug is out of the patent protection (no longer protected by patent), the company may sell the products under whichever name they want common name or business name. Other companies which file for authorization to sell that off-patent drug have to use the similar common name but have the freedom to use their own trade name. This results in drugs to be sold in the same generic name but multiple trade names. (Aronsson et al. 2001) General drugs are remedies that are known by the chemical formulae instead of their brand, or business name. Most of the people, as for example, know the brand title Valium, however the common name of the anxiety defiant drug is diazepam. (Mehta & Mehta, 1997) In the most cases, most drugs are likewise as efficient as brand-name remedies. They too are typically lesser ex pensive than the brand names, frequently as a great deal as 50 % or more. What is the reason behind this? (Mehta & Mehta, 1997; Aronsson et al. Pharmaceutical industries spend a lot of time (usually a decade or more) and cash—generally more money than $300 million—to research, develop, produce, and marketing a brand new drug. Which results in, if the efforts become positive, the brand-name drug which is patented plus sold solely under a particular business name for seventeen years, which permits the industry get back more money than it invested. As a patent runs out, or there is not any patent at all, other industries can produce and market that drug with the drug’s common name or with other brand names. ... As a patent runs out, or there is not any patent at all, other industries can produce and market that drug with the drug’s common name or with other brand names. Other industries don’t need to invest the time and wealth to get the actual drug to the market. Therefore, they can sell the drug at a lower cost. (Mehta & Mehta, 1997; Aronsson et al., 2001) Economic analysis of patent protection versus generic drugs: The limit of the patent security in helping the mechanisms for making novel remedies not supposed to be minimized. To get a fresh prescription remedy in the market, industries of pharmaceutics must beat several obstacles including large investments for researching and development (R&D), authoritarian scrutiny very importantly scientific trustworthiness corresponding the protection and effectiveness of that fresh drug. To attain this, companies continuously search for fresh compounds having medicinal power. When a brand new, hopeful substance is found, the industr y files a request for patent security while it goes through different levels of Research and Development. Current estimations of the expense of developing a fresh drug is ranged between $230 million and $500 million prior to the remedy can be marketed. (Mehta & Mehta, 1997) Getting patent security for a particular remedy, the industry has the power to set the price as per wish; without contest, no descending pressure is there upon the price from different probable drug providers. The monopoly supremacy gained from that patent protection gives inducement for drug industries to put in a big capital needed for Research and Development by permitting them in earning much more than the possible result in more contesting market. With no

Sunday, September 22, 2019

High performance concrete Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

High performance concrete - Research Paper Example The concept has gone thru series of evolutions, since the birth of knowledge about mixing water, cement, and aggregate. Advent of high performance concrete is the result of this evolution. This research in brief demonstrates different aspects of this remarkable building material and how it has so far served people being an integral part of complex structures. Table of Contents Index Page Introduction 4 Why high performance concrete? 5 Literature Review 7 Purpose 8 Development history of high performance concrete 8 High performance concrete: Concept and exploration 8 Methodology 12 Research approach 13 Analyses 14 Finding and discussion 15 Case study 20 Conclusion 24 Conclusion and recommendation 25 Bibliography 26 Introduction Why high performance concrete? Civil engineering construction uses different building materials. Some are naturally occurring substances, and others are manmade. Concrete is a manmade material using naturally occurring substances. Base material of concrete is w ater, and cement, while aggregate materials are sand, gravel, crushed stone, blast furnace slag. Base material produces a paste type material in which aggregate materials are bonded. Cementitious binding process of aggregate materials plays a vital role in achieving the end product – concrete. ... Systematic tests to determine compressive and tensile strength of concrete were performed between 1835 and 1850, along with the first accurate chemical analysis. In 1860 modern composition of Portland cements became available (Inspecting the World n.d.), and since that time concrete has made its rigid step in civil engineering construction as one of the basic building materials. Formation of concrete takes place in two stages; fresh state and hardened state ( n.d.). Fresh state concrete is plastic, and it flows to produce a given structural form. Hardened concrete attains its full structural strength. As a building construction material concrete’s hardened strength value is used in civil engineering design. Hardened strength value implies concrete's compressive strength. Structural behavior of concrete is to resist compression. Compressive strength of concrete depends on paste strength (water and cement), interfacial bonding (bonding between paste and aggregate), and aggregate strength (aggregate works like bone in the human body). Compressive strength value of concrete made of a specific mixture of cement, water, and aggregate composition is tested at a laboratory. Compressive strength is measured (Concrete in Practice n.d.) by breaking a cylindrical specimen in a compression-testing machine. This test is conducted according to the ASTM C 31 and ASTM C 39 procedure and method. In 1970s, any concrete mix with 28 days age showed compressive strength about 40 MPa was considered to be high strength (berekley.edy n.d.). Residential and light commercial building uses compressive strength in the range of 17 Mpa to 34 Mpa (Portland Cement Association n.d.). Constructions like high-rise building, long

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Lizard by Dennis Covington Essay Example for Free

Lizard by Dennis Covington Essay Dennis Covington is an American writer of fiction whose stories give a realistic version of the world through the lives of the fictitious characters. He did his education in fiction writing and got BA degree from the University of Virginia. He married second time to Vicki Covington in 1977 and also taught at the University of Alabama at Birmingham. (Alabama Center for the Book and Auburn University, 2008) Lizard is his commendable story of a deformed young teenage boy, Lucius Sims, whose deformity gets him a nickname Lizard. The whole story revolves around this boy, his anguish as he is abused and laughed at by other children and even though not mentally retarded yet is admitted in the asylum of mentally retarded children. Lucius Sims has a disfigured face and looks completely different from others and similar to a reptile. This makes him an object of ridicule and insults. He is often insulted and called â€Å"Turd Head† (Covington, 1991, p. 10) by the boys, and nurse refers him as â€Å"that boy with squashed head† (Covington, 1991, p. 28). He is also admitted in Leesville State School for mentally handicapped boys by a woman named Miss Colley with whom he was staying. From this place onwards his troubles and problems actually start. There is no sign or even evidence of his being mentally handicapped still he is forced to stay with these children which prove nothing less than a torture for him. His sending him off to the school of mental retarded children is just a means to get rid of him, so that Miss Colley could marry without having to face burden of taking care of him. Lucius is burdened of having to face not only these children but also adults so he decides to escape. Soon he gets an opportunity when he is helped by a young actress and an actor to flee from school. He takes this chance to escape into the new profound freedom. They take him into the acting company where he plays a role of Caliban in one of the organized Shakespeare’s play The Tempest. In course of his journey, he comes across range of people- orphaned brother and sister whom he finds staying in a dirty swamp, a museum curator, a black artist, and finally again Miss Cooley whom he finds to be his own mother. On this journey he has to face many situations and circumstances which are both tragic as well as comic like interstate chase, acting debut, unreciprocated love, his acting career and many more adventures. â€Å"While performing in the play, Lizard becomes a specifically American Caliban who finds through the culturally-authoritative voice of Shakespeare, language to speak the trauma of self and nation crystallized by the extreme political history of 1963. † (Hateley, 2009, p. 158) Plot moves very slowly in the beginning but becomes more mesmerizing as it moves forward. Whole text appears to be very loosely connected with again plot appearing to be like turning here and there and twisting. In some places, rough language has also been used which has very little or no relevance to the plot. Many people have been described in the book that gives a nice view about the present society as a whole and the difficulties it faces. It is a self narrative with an autobiographical touch as this whole story has been told by Lizard himself and from his perspective. Through this story, we could not stop but admire him for the way he shows courage and strength in dealing with the circumstances and the people around him. All other characters are also very intriguing allowing us to have a good grasp of the society and its ways. Lizard is Covington’s first work of fiction as he produced originality while espousing the social themes and the worldly affairs with great dexterity and as a keen watcher. This novel is more recommended for young aged between 14 to 16 who should adopt the attitude of love and tolerance towards these â€Å"other† unconventional children. It is also a novel of hope and optimism as in this odd world, a body with disfigured face wants to make his place. Through the eyes of this young boy nicknamed Lizard, writer allows us to show great wisdom, and love for all. It is also a way to remove the undaunted fear of adolescence. While reading the novel, it appears writer has achieved what he wanted with no doubt through the confused, tormented and on some occasions violent while other funny escapades of main the protagonist Lizard. Reference List Alabama Center for the Book and Auburn University. (2008). Dennis Covington. Retrieved on May 2, 2010 from W. W. W: http://www. alabamaliterarymap. org/author. cfm? AuthorID=134 Covington, D. (1991). Lizard. New York, N. Y: Bantam Doubleday Dell. Hateley, E. (2009) Shakespeare in childrens literature: gender and cultural capital. New York, NY: Routledge. Perantoni, C. (2003) First One I and Then the Other, in Reimagining Shakespeare for children and young adults edited by Naomi J. Miller. New York, NY: Routledge. Polette, N. Ebbesmeyer, J. (2002). Literature lures: using picture books and novels to motivate middle school readers. Westport, Connecticut: Libraries Unlimited. Ward, M. (2006). Voices from the Margins: An Annotated Bibliography of Fiction of Disabilities and Differences for Young People. IAP.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Allama Iqbal Was Not A Mere Poet

Allama Iqbal Was Not A Mere Poet In this paper, I will try to throw light upon Iqbals life and his special interest in promoting Khudi the secrets of self in youth and the issues pertaining to Muslim Ummah in todays time. Allama Iqbal was not a mere poet, in fact he was a great Philosopher and Thinker, a geo-political analyst, and a visionary. To be more precise, he was mystic poet a saint who was assigned the task to alter the lives of Muslims through his poetry. As Allama Sahib himself said, I am two personalities in one; the outer is practical and business-like, the inner is dreamer, philosopher and mystic. Furthermore, in one of the articles about his basic life sketch, Mustansir Mir wrote, Iqbal is capable of writing biting satire. Two examples are: Give Me another Adversary, in which Satan argues that he deserves a better rival than Adam, and Scorpion Land, which criticizes slave mentality. Allama Iqbal: Before, exploring the mystic world of Iqbal, lets have a general view on his life. Allama Iqbal, great poet-philosopher and active political leader, was born at Sialkot, Punjab, in 1877. He descended from a family of Kashmiri Brahmins, who had embraced Islam about 300 years earlier. Iqbal received his early education in the traditional maktab. Later he joined the Sialkot Mission School, from where he passed his matriculation examination. In 1897, he obtained his Bachelor of Arts Degree from Government College, Lahore. Two years later, he secured his Masters Degree and was appointed in the Oriental College, Lahore, as a lecturer of history, philosophy and English. He later proceeded to Europe for higher studies. Having obtained a degree at Cambridge, he secured his doctorate at Munich and finally qualified as a barrister. He returned to India in 1908. Besides teaching and practicing law, Iqbal continued to write poetry. He resigned from government service in 1911 and took up the task of propagating individual thinking among the Muslims through his poetry. By 1928, his reputation as a great Muslim philosopher was solidly established and he was invited to deliver lectures at Hyderabad, Aligarh and Madras. These series of lectures were later published as a book The Reconstruction of Religious Thought in Islam. In 1930, Iqbal was invited to preside over the open session of the Muslim League at Allahabad. In his historic Allahabad Address, Iqbal visualized an independent and sovereign state for the Muslims of North-Western India. In 1932, Iqbal came to England as a Muslim delegate to the Third Round Table Conference. In later years, when the Quaid had left India and was residing in England, Allama Iqbal wrote to him conveying to him his personal views on political problems and state of affairs of the Indian Muslims, and also persuading him to come back. These letters are dated from June 1936 to November 1937. This series of correspondence is now a part of important historic documents concerning Pakistans struggle for freedom. On April 21, 1938, the great Muslim poet-philosopher and champion of the Muslim cause, passed away. He lies buried next to the Badshahi Mosque in Lahore. Literature review: Many people have conducted research on Iqbals life. This list of people does not consist of only Muslims; rather Non-Muslims are far ahead in this field. Although Iqbals poetry was supposed to shake Muslims, nonetheless, on most of the occasions it is witnessed that West has taken advantage of it far better than we did. Similarly, Muslims in Iran and Turkey are quite fond of Iqbals poetical work. However, change is in the air. A sense of responsibility has arisen in Pakistani Muslims; therefore, some radical steps have been taken for promoting the message of Iqbal. The notable example in this context is of Iqbal Academy. Many articles, books and papers have been written on his life and work. Apart from that some other autohers like Late Prof. Muhammad Munawwar Mirza, A.R.Tariq, Maqbool Elahi, Alia Naushahi etc. have done some notable work in this area. They have discussed different aspects of Iqbals personality. For example, Alia Saleem Naushahi in her book Wasteland and Javednama; d id a comparative study of the worldviews of Muhammad Iqbal and T.S.Eliot. In this book she discussed the true purpose and nature of poets in the light of Iqbal and Eliots work. One of the quotations explaining the importance of poets in a society is as follows, A nation without a poet is like a heap of clay. (Iqbals line quoted by Dr. Annmarie Schimmel in her Gabriels Wing.) The nature of a poet is entirely searching He is the creator and cherisher of wishes The poet is like the heart in the breast of the nation (Javed Nama, 724) Alia further writes in her book; according to Mustansir Mir, the poet can be termed as an eye of the nation. This metaphor brings to mind three roles of the poet, Those of guide (like the eye, the poet looks out, guiding the nation on its path), visionary (like a sheer, he has insight into the future and wishes to share this with others) and a well-wisher or comforter (he is full of sympathy for the other members of society and like the eye weeps for their suffering). The poet then serves as the collective conscience of the people. Allama Iqbal, no doubt, was a poet like Alia has described. He is the collective conscience of the people. Since we have forgotten him and his work, thus we have started losing the conscience and have lost the way. The reason behind forgetting Iqbal is beautifully described in a book How to read Iqbal by Shansur Rahman Farooqi. He writes in his book, But a reason for their declining popularity with the common reader could be that he is not all that excited with Iqbals role as Haki-ul-Ummat and Shair-e-Mashriq. I personally enjoyed reading Munawwar Mirzas work. Prof. Muhammad Munawwar Mirza was a prominent Iqbal scholar, historian, writer and intellectual from Pakistan. He wrote a number of books and journals on Allama Iqbals life and work. Iqbal, for him, was a passion not a profession. He is extremely well-qualified on writing about Iqbals work life. Dimensions of Iqbal is seventh, but third to appear in English, book devoted exclusively to Iqbalian Studies. Each article opens new vistas of thought and, in a sense; all these articles could be regarded as so many paths leading to the same summit of understanding. It is interesting to note that Munawwar Mirza has selected an article for the opening of this volume that recapitulates the process of growth of Iqbals minds and offers a brief overview of his litereary achievements. In this book, chapters like Iqbal on Self-Evasion, Iqbal on Metaphorical death and Iqbal and the test of Faith emphasize upon the subject of self realization, its stages and different obstacles that hamper the way to realize ones self, that is, the pre-ontological principle of all existence. In the twenty first century, Iqbalaian Studies has taken the advantage of technology. There are a number of websites, electronic juournal and articles on the life and work of Allama Iqbal. Some of the notable examples in this context are of DISNA group ( They not only provide poetry in different languages but explanation of verses is also there for the better understanding of the reader. These sites also include articles by foreign authors like Safet Becktovit, Lissi Ramussen, Prof. Dr. Annemarie Schimmel and Dr. Theodore Jà ³rgensen. Nevertheless, less work has been done on discussing the spiritual dimensions of Muhammad Iqbal. Most of the time, he is merely considered a revolutionary poet and a great philosopher. No doubt he was that, but he was not like other revolutionary thinkers and poets. He was a foreseer and a saint a Darwaish Qalandar. As in the book Dimensions Of Iqbal Prof. Munawwar quoted Iqbals address to Cambridge students in December 1931 in London. He said, I would like to offer a few pieces of advice to the young men who are at present studying at Cambridgeà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦. I advise you to guard against atheism and materialism. The biggest blunder made by Europe was the separation of Church and State. This deprived their culture of moral soul and diverted it to the atheistic materialism. I had twenty-five years ago seen through the drawbacks of this civilization and therefore had made some prophecies. They had been delivered by my tongue although I did not quite understand. This happened in 1907- After six or seven years, my prophecies came true, word by word. The European war of 1914 was an outcome of the afore-said mistakes made by the European Nations in the separation of the Church and the State. There are many examples of Allama Iqbals prevision and many of them are mentioned in this book. However, we Muslims ignore them on most of the occasions and our enemies are well aware of the importance of Iqbals foresights. We have been strayed from this path deliberately through a well planned game. But it is the time that we revive Iqbal in our lives, in order to achieve what we are destined for. In this paper, I will try to explore the mystic and mysterious world dimensions of Iqbal in the light of his and Prof. Munawwars work. Iqbal The Mysterious: Allama Iqbal was a mysterious man. He was an extraordinary person. The title Thinker of Pakistan does not do justice; he was more than that Thinker of Ummat e Muslima. He was a foreseer and revolutionary figure. His entire work is based on Quran and Hadith. His poetry was not only for the making of Pakistan, in fact his work is for this age and the coming one too. As the famous Iranian poet Bahar said, Our time is Iqbals time. Similarly, Prof. Arnold famous teacher of Allama Iqbal said on an occasion, Iqbal is a man of his age. He is a man ahead of his age and he is a man at war with his age. Our enemies are well aware of Iqbals importance. Deliberate attempts are made for side lining him from our lives, as they cannot eliminate his work completely. In order, to know their actual objectives; one should be familiar with the hidden and inner personality of Allama Iqbal. Mystic and mysterious Iqbal is present among us in one way or another. Many people have thrown light upon his this dimension. In the coming passages, I will explain it with the help of some incidents narrated by notable figures. Iqbal had secret meetings with saints. The following incident was quoted by Khurshid Nadeem in his program Alf. The actual narrator of this incident is Allama Iqbals special servant Ali Bakhsh. One night Iqbal called me in his room. It was quite late; when I entered I saw that a very pious man with bright face was sitting on the sofa and Iqbal was on the floor pressing his legs. I had never seen that guest before in my life. Iqbal asked me to bring three glasses of sweet Lasi. I was astonished because it was impossible to find it at that time. But I left. When I went out of the house, I saw another pious man selling milk and yougurt. I went there and asked him for three glasses of sweet Lassi. He gave it to me in a bowl but when I tried to pay him, he plainly refused and said, It is ok between me and Iqbal. Later, I gave it to Iqbal and he filled first glass of Lassi and presented it to the pious guest. After the guest drank it Iqbal presented him another glass. But when he presented him third glass he refused to take it and said, You should drink too. Then Iqbal asked me to leave. After some time, he called me again and asked me to accompany the guest to the door. The piou s guest was ahead of me and as I reached the gate, I saw the pious guest disappeared on the road. When I looked out, neither there was any shop, nor the pious shop keeper. I was shocked. I asked Iqbal about the two pious persons but he refused to tell me. Nonetheless, I kept on asking him for next few days and at last he told me that the pious guest sitting in the room was Hazrat Khwaja Moin ud Din Chisti (R.A.) and the pious shop keeper was Hazrat Ali Hajveri (R.A.) known as Daata Ganj Bakhsh. But he forbid me about telling it to anyone else. Dr. Javed Iqbal verified that Ali Bakhsh also told him about it. Moreover, Prof. Munawwar Mirza also quoted it in his book. Allama Iqbal was sent to this world as a visionary and a seer. He was a threat to them who wanted to control people and make them their slaves. Iqbal had the ability to revive the lost soul. He shook the basis of Zionist system with his poetry. Free Masons and Zionists have one basic rule: Do not be afraid of huge armies and weapons, be afraid of philosophers and thinkers and especially those one who can instill a new spirit in the dead bodies and minds of people. Thus, Iqbal is a clear threat to the current agenda of Zionists and Masons. They are making us slaves by controlling our mind, food, education and ultimately our soul. The whole point behind removing Iqbals work from our lives is that then we will not be able to decipher the complicated dirty tricks of these people. Allama Iqbal is not only a threat to Zionists because of his work; he is a danger to them because his ideas are based on Pan-Islamism. He was a staunch supporter of Caliphate. He was called Hakeem-ul-Ummat because he had the answers to the issues pertaining to Muslims at that time and also at this time. In order to understand this, one should be aware of the three important phases/ stages of Muslim Civilization. Qurun-e-Ula: The first stage of Muslim civilization which started after the death of our dear Holy Prophet (May peace and blessings be upon Him.) During this age, Muslims were at peak. They were strong not only ideologically but also economically. In fact, all the major Muslim cities were centre of gravity. Muslims were spreading their ideology, religion and values to other cities and conquered a number of places. After Qurun-e-Ula: After many 100 years of Qurun-e-Ula, the second stage of Muslim civilization started. During this period, Muslims were not expanding their boundaries; rather they were defending their holy lands. Although they were under attack during this time, yet they were stable and strong due to the staunch believe in religion and adherence to the ideology. They faced the great massacre in Baghdad by Genghis Khan. Nonetheless, they bore it with patience and quickly gathered their strengths and fought gracefully with the Crusaders. Ottoman Empire also came to peak during this time. In short, Muslims faced trouble in the second stage; however, they were still at peak. Doomed Gloomed: The third stage of Muslim civilization was full of gloom. It started almost 250 years later especially with 1757 war of Plessey. East India Company invaded Bengal and the downfall of Muslims started. It became worse with the downfall of Ottoman Empire in 1921. Muslims were unable to stabilize themselves because they were in slumber; unaware of their ideology. It was this period during which Allama Iqbal was born. It was decided with his birth that the rise of Muslims will start. One question often arises that if Iqbal was destined to change the conditions of Muslims and unite them to form Caliphate again then why he was born in this region Pakistan? Well, the answer to this question unveils the futuristic importance of this area. Being a Muslim we all are aware of Ghazwa-i-Hind. Many Hadiths point toward this event. Some of them are: Hadith1: Hazrat Kaab R.A. narrated. Once Holy Prophet (May Peace and Blessings be upon Him) said, One of the Kings of Bait-ul-Muqadas will launch Battalion to India. Muslims will conquer India, capture their treasures, then King will use these treasures to decorate Bait-ul-Muqadas. That Battalion will present the rulers of India enchained with clutches in front of King. His warriors with permission of King will conquer all the area between east and west and will stay in India will the arrival of Dajjal. Hadith2: Hazrat Sufwan bin Umru R.A. narrated that Holy Prophet Peace and Blessings upon him said, some people from my Ummah will fight India and Allah will give them success till they will enchain the rulers of India in clutches. Allah will forgive sins of these Mujahadeens / warriors. And on their way back to Damascus they will find Hazrat Essa A.S. Hadith3: Holy Prophet (PBUH) Discussed India with Hazrat Abu Huraira (RA) and told that: One of your Battalion will fight in India, Allah will give success to them to the level that they (Mujahideen) will enchain their (Hindus) rulers with clutches, and Allah will forgive sins of these warriors and when they return they will find Hazrat Esa (AS) in Damascus. Hazrat Abu Huraira (R.A.) said, If I had opportunity to participate in this war then I will sell all of my old and new belongings and will participate. When Allah will give us success and when we will return I will be an independent Abu Huraira who will come to Damascus and will find Hazrat Esa (AS). O my Holy Prophet (PBUH) I will have very strong desire at that time to got to him and tell him that I am your companion. There is no doubt in it that whatever is told to us, will be fulfilled now or then. We are at battle with highly educated and equipped people. They are not only qualified in worldly knowledge but they have also specialized in all those disciplines which could be useful and harmful for them. Zionists and Free Masons do know that their final show down will be with Muslims. Therefore, they are enchaining our minds and soul so that we could not fight them when the time reaches. Allama Iqbals poetry makes a person free thinker. He questions the lies and appreciates the truth. Iqbals poetry makes a Muslim Moomin. And the history verifies that a moomin fights fearlessly even if he does not have any worldly support. Our enemies are not unaware of Battle of Badar, Battle of Uhad, Crusade Warsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦..etc. This list can go on and on. Therefore, the solution for avoiding such situations in future is The mendicant whom death cant affright, Take Mohammads soul from his mould and expedite. (ORDERS OF SATAN TO HIS POLITICAL PROGENY) Strategies employed by enemies: Now lets analyze the methods which Zionist lobby has used for removing Iqbal from our lives. There was a time when Iqbal was part of our syllabus. We were used to read his poems in our Urdu books since 2nd standard. Almost ten years back, six poems of Iqbal were part of Matriculation and Intermediate course. But it has been reduced to two. Another important point is that books like Darb-i-Kalim, Israr-i-Khud, Ramuz-i-Bekhudi and Armaghan-i-Hijaz never made to the syllabus. These are the books which reveal the secrets of ones true self. In these books Iqbal has taken reality to the extreme heights. Especially in Ramuz-i-Bekhudi, he has presented such kind of requests to Holy Prophet (May Peace and Blessing be upon Him) which shakes the Mulla system created by the Zionist lobby. He says, But now the Muslim is estranged a new Unto the Prophets secret; now once more Gods sanctuary is an idols shrine; Manat and Lat, Hubal and Uzza-each Carries an idol to his bosom clasped; Our sheikh-no Brahman is so infidel, Seeking his somnath stands within his head. Arabia deserted; he is gone with all his beings baggage, slumberous Thirty years back, every child knew famous poem Lab py Ati Haià ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ know as Bachay ki Dua (Childs Prayer). Every single verse of this poem instills the spirit of morality, responsibility and love for religion, education and country. But now we teach our children Twinkle Twinkle, Baba Black Sheep or Jingle Bells. It did not happen quickly, slowly and gradually, Zionist agenda fed us through media and our government. Hence, nowadays you are backward if you know Iqbal or read any of his work. Another method employed for stopping Iqbal is by stopping those who promote him. Many such incidents have been noticed. One of the prominent examples in this context is of Dr. Annemarie Schimmel. She was immensely loved by people during her life. Her work was used to be published and appreciated. But now, after her death, her books are neither published nor discussed in public. It is because she devoted her whole life in studying, understanding and promoting love for Sufism and Islam. Her work includes Gabriels Wing: Study into the Religious Ideas of Sir Muhammad Iqbal, Rumis World: The Life and Works of the Greatest Sufi Poet, Mystical Dimensions of Islam etc. If her work is still published and promoted as it was done in her life, then Zionists would not have achieved the goal of spreading disinformation and hatred. One last and the most foolish way of spreading hatred for Iqbal is by spreading disinformation among people about his personality. For example, some people often accuse Iqbal for being alcoholic. Well, they never give a satisfactory and logical proof for such nonsense. However, I would like to share one incident which would be enough for proving it wrong. When Iqbal was an infant her mother (Immam BiBi) stopped feeding her because she was doubtful about the source of income of Nur Muhammed (father of Iqbal). He tried to convince her that his source of earning was legal and legitimate. But she plainly refused to accept it. Moreover, she did not feed him until she became sure about the source of earning. Now the question arises, how a person can consume something which is prohibited in Islam and also when he is quite close to Allah Almighty and Holy Prophet (May Peace and Blessings be upon Him). He was brought up in an environment which was according to the true spirit of Islam. Such propaganda is initiated just to defame one, but all such attempts are lame in this case. Issues faced by Islam and Muslims: What issues are we facing today? In this age Muslims and Islam are encircled by various issues and problems. Nonetheless, the purpose behind raising such problems is to weaken them. Lets have a brief look on some of these issues. The Muslim countries, nowadays, are either invaded by Jews or Christians or face different types of bans. For example, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Palestine, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates etc. are invaded or occupied by American forces Zionists. On the other hand, countries like Pakistan, Iran, Syria, Jordan, Egypt and Turkey are facing various bans merely because they still have their own opinion and the ability to defend them. One interesting thing is that Pakistan is the only Muslim country which is also a nuclear power. That is why, it faces the most problems. After her comes Iran which is struggling hard to be a nuclear power. Nevertheless, here I will discuss issues pertaining to Pakistan. Pakistan is that country which is an ally of America in the war against terrorism yet she is passing through the most difficult phase. Terrorist activities like suicide bombings, drone attacks, interventions of foreign secret agencies in our defense programs and above all imposition of puppet government on us. Through this government they are buying the assets of Pakistan and making us their slaves. They want everyone to think democracy to be the only solution of every problem. For achieving this solution, they are trying to impose it everywhere especially in Muslim countries. They are not only making us their slaves by controlling our Parliament and President House; they are doing this job in a far better way through media. With the help of Print and Electronic media, they are implanting their ideas in our minds so that we could become better slaves. Some people deny this bitter reality because they consider themselves clever and intelligent. Nonetheless, they are unaware of the fact that our enemies are clever enough not to be out smarted. The biggest problem, in my opinion, is that we consider every single thing to be true which comes from west. Today our source of information and education is America and Europe. They are educated, cultured, modern and intelligent nations. Ok! True if definition of education, culture, intelligence, and modernization is materialism; then they are what people think of them. But for me they are in the state of biggest crisis. In short, they are feeding us dont think; just accept what West tells you? Be realistic is another problem i.e. keep religion out of your daily life business. It is for special occasions only. Solutions: Most of the above mentioned issues were faced by western countries in early 1900s. It was the time when they were being made slaves by Zionist lobby. This fact is quite confusing because what we, Muslims, know is that we are hated because of our religion. It is true, but still there is a separate group which is working for some big agenda an ultimate goal. That group believes in only two classes elite class working class. This group has been there for centuries. In the time of Crusade wars they existed with the name Templar Knights. Nowadays, they are present under different titles according to hierarchy like Zionists, Free Masons Satanists (member of Illuminati). Their ultimate goal is to promote New World Order (NWO), the government for Anti-Christ or Dajjal. Being a Muslim we are familiar with Dajjal and his tact. He will rule people because of two reasons. Because most of them would be mentally enchained, thus physically his slave. People would be far away from their religion. In fact, the above mentioned reasons are interrelated. If one is close to the religion and follows it whole heartedly then Allah Almighty will keep one on the right path and will protect from Dajjals sedition. Therefore, religion is the only key to safety. Among all the religions in the world, Islam is the only one which is safe and protected from the mischief of our enemies. It is the only complete religion which addresses every single problem in this world. Though, Zionists cannot change Islam or remove it from the face of the Earth, yet they can astray Muslims from the right path. And they do it by initiating new sects, promoting false prophets, and by defaming it. All these techniques are employed today. All of these dirty methods of them are discussed by Iqbal in his writings. Lets discuss them one by one. First, issue was about invading Muslim countries and imposition of their form of governments on us. Our lands are occupied because we have forgotten our religion, values and forefathers. We belong to the four Caliphs, Hazrat Khalid Bin Waleed, Sallah-ud-Din Ayubi, Noor-ud-Din Zangi, and Tariq-bin-Ziyad etc. But our problem is that we want Bertrand Russell, Plato, Aristotle, they are the answers to our problems. This current state of ours was being foretold by Iqbal in his poem Khatab-ba-Jawanan-e-Islam (Address to the Youngsters of Islam). Not only in this but he has discussed this state of us in various poems. He did not only identify our problems but gives us the solution. Allama Iqbal deciphered the under table strategies of enemies and gave us the solution to the problem. Islam has already described form of government, Iqbal made it more understandable. In the chapter Iqbals Idea of Democracy of Dimensions of Iqbal, Prof. Munawwar states that democracy of Iqbals liking requires the candidate whose first and foremost qualification is spotless character, freedom from physical and moral infirmities, whereas the elector is required to possess above all other qualifications the attribute of good reputation as an honest man. Western democracy does not lay down such condition. Iqbal discussed it in an article Political thought in Islam published in 1910 and he referred to Al-Mawardy in it. For Iqbal, Islamic government has to be Gods kingdom on earth. And this is intolerable for Zionists. Iqbal once wrote to Prof. Nicholson and made the meanings of Islamic government manifest thus: The Kingdom of God on Earth means the democracy of more or less unique individuals, presided over by the most unique individual possible on this earth. In short, Allama Iqbal wants us to realize that Shariat regime is the best regime ever known to mankind. Further, it has been practically implemented in the times of Four Caliphs (R.A.). Then why not know? It is due to our mentality. Rest of the three issues has one root cause which is Mind Control. We have become such good slaves that we cannot even differentiate between what is good for us and what is wrong. Education being given to us promotes their school of thought not ours. Their purpose behind this is to ruin our cultural and religious values. Allama Iqbal has pointed this out in his poem Religion and Education in Darb-e-Kalim. He says, I know the modes of those who guide the creed, though lacking truth, of vision boast, indeed. The teaching that the English have devised Gainst Faith and ties has great intrigue contrived. That race is doomed to bondage and much pain, which justice for its Ego cant attain. The faults of one man Nature can reprieve, but groups for crimes no par don can receive. He always wanted to promote Khudi the secret of self in us especially the youth. If we had explored ourselves then the situation wouldnt have worsen like this. As he said, Thou hast lost thy Selfhood, and now try thy best to capture it. In hundreds of poems, Iqbal is giving us the message to revive our Khudi and explore our true selfs. It is the key to freedom from the chains of west. Only then, we will be able to understand the events going around us. Otherwise, it would be like everything is what it seems. Zionists have taken away our strength, our Khudi, and gave us the avatar which is controlled by them. Now the time has come that we distinguish between right and wrong otherwise it would be too late. BEWITCHED BY THE WEST Your being whole from head to foot reflects the West; her masons in you have shown their art at best. Devoid of self, your frame from clay and water made, Is like a spangled sheath that has no steel or blade. The best excuse which we give for our ignorance is lack of time. We are so much busy in our lives that we dont even have time to prevent our soul from getting infected. We know the solution but cannot adopt it because it requires effort; what a shame! Then what do we complain about? Why do we protest against terrorist acts and invasion when we deliberately let them happen? People like Iqbal can only show us the path; it is our responsibility to follow it. THOUGH YOU ARE BOUND BY CAUSE AND EFFECT Though you are bound by cause and effect Keep your heart a little independent Intellect is not free from criticism Establish the foundation of your deeds on Love O Muslim always in your mind Keep the verse La Yukhlif ul mà ¢iyd This is the message of the Voice of Time Always deep in heart Inna wa`d-Allah i Haqqun Conclusion: In sum, the message was in the air and it will always be there. It depends on us whether we want to grasp it or not. Allama Iqbals mystical life work has laid the foundation of a new age. He has foretold us the future by interpreting Quran and Hadith in his poetical and prose work. Prof. Munawwar Mirza in his book