Thursday, October 31, 2019

Congestive heart failure Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Congestive heart failure - Research Paper Example Diseases and agents that weaken heart muscle contraction, especially ventricular muscle, for example, heart attacks, infections of heart muscle (myocarditis), toxins, chronic alcohol abuse and some chemotherapeutic agents (systolic dysfunction). They vary amongst many patients depending on the type (whether it is systolic or diastolic) and the organs affected. Fatigue is the earliest symptom of CHF due to inadequacy of the heart to perform its function. The diagnosis of CHF entails; having noteworthy knowledge about the medical history of the patient; carefully taking a proper history concerning the present condition of the patient; carefully conducting a physical examination and conducting the necessary laboratory tests to confirm the diagnosis. This will assist the health care expert identify signs that are consistent with CHF. Treatment should start immediately CHF is diagnosed in a patient. For one, lifestyle modification should be used so that no further fluid is retained in the body. This is done through regulation of sodium intake in food, since sodium increases fluid in the body. Restriction of alcohol intake and monitoring fluid intake also manages the

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

The global issues of healthcare management Research Paper

The global issues of healthcare management - Research Paper Example The advent of new client technology is bringing in even more issues or reintroducing older ones to the fore. This disruptive technology enhances better patient power. The most supple and advanced health economies have the change to revolutionize the manner in which care is delivered, and in doing this, in order to change their societies (Hall, 2011). This article outlines issues that face the global healthcare management, as well as some of the trends that scholars think greatly impact healthcare for the better or maybe worse. Among the global challenges that affect healthcare include: (1) rising costs, (2) changing demographics, (3) filling the resource gap, (4) easy access, (5) focus on quality and (6) becoming customer-driven. Spending on healthcare basically invariably increases faster compared to GDP. Its growth rate has surpassed that of GDP ever since national record keeping started. In addition, economic recession and spending closely related (Kongstvedt, 2013). Experts claim that we can see the growth rate of healthcare spending in continents such as Europe and Asia outshine the GDP growth considerable during these financially challenging times. Macroeconomic aspects such as aging populaces or inadequate public funding among others are challenging both providers and receivers or healthcare (Kongstvedt, 2013). Penetration and adoption rates of clinical information systems differ greatly. In reality, the number, as well as size of buyers, differs from nation to nation, plus it is not vitally reliant on the size of the nation, but instead on the healthcare system structure. In addition, people’s purchasing behavior is changing towards a more coordinated and joint purchasing from what researchers have seen in the past (Kongstvedt, 2013). There is rising demand on the healthcare delivery institutions, and this is occurring in every nations. Peoples’ immortality rates have increased all

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Framework for Speech Enhancement and Recognition

Framework for Speech Enhancement and Recognition A Generalized Framework for Speech Enhancement and Recognition with Special Focus On Patients with Speech Disorders Literature Review Kumara Sharma have proposed Harmonics-to-Noise Ratio and Critical-Band Energy Spectrum of speech as Acoustic Indicators of Laryngeal and Voice Pathology [8]. Acoustic analysis of speech signals is a noninvasive technique that has been proved to be an effective tool for the objective support of vocal and voice disease screening. In the present study acoustic analysis of sustained vowels is considered. A simple k-means nearest neighbor classifier is designed to test the efficacy of a harmonics-to-noise ratio (HNR) measure and the critical-band energy spectrum of the voiced speech signal as tools for the detection of laryngeal pathologies [12]. It groups the given voice signal sample into pathologic and normal. The voiced speech signal is decomposed into harmonic and noise components using an iterative signal extrapolation algorithm. The HNRs at four different frequency bands are estimated and used as features. Voiced speech is also filtered with 21 critical-band pass filters tha t mimic the human auditory neurons. Normalized energies of these filter outputs are used as another set of features. The HNR and the critical-band energy spectrum can be used to correlate laryngeal pathology and voice alteration, using previously classified voice samples. This method could be an additional acoustic indicator that supplements the clinical diagnostic features for voice evaluation [42]. Cepstral-based estimation is used to provide a baseline estimate of the noise level in the logarithmic spectrum for voiced speech. A theoretical description of Cepstral processing of voiced speech containing aspiration noise, together with supporting empirical data, is provided in order to illustrate the nature of the noise baseline estimation process. Taking the Fourier transform of the liftered (filtered in the Cepstral domain) cepstrum produces a noise baseline estimate. It is shown that Fourier transforming the low-pass liftered cepstrum is comparable to applying a moving average (MA) filter to the logarithmic spectrum and hence the baseline receives contributions from the glottal source excited vocal tract and the noise excited vocal tract[43]. Because the estimation process resembles the action of a MA filter, the resulting noise baseline is determined by the harmonic resolution as determined by the temporal analysis window length and the glottal source spectral tilt. On select ing an appropriate temporal analysis window length the estimated baseline is shown to lie halfway between the glottal excited vocal tract and the noise excited vocal tract. This information is employed in a new harmonics-to-noise (HNR) estimation technique, which is shown to provide accurate HNR estimates when tested on synthetically generated voice signals. HNR is defined as the ratio between the energy of the periodic component to the energy of the aperiodic component in the signal. As such it is sensitive to all forms of waveform aperiodicity [8],[12]. It only specifically reflects a signal to aspiration noise ratio when other aperiodicities in the signal are comparatively low. Validation of a HNR method requires testing the technique against synthesis data with a priori knowledge of the HNR. Time-domain methods that require individual period detection for HNR estimation can be problematic because of the difficulty in estimating the period markers for pathological voiced speech. Frequency domain methods encounter the problem of estimating noise at harmonic locations .Cepstral techniques have been introduced to supply noise estimates at all frequency locations in the spectrum (the Cepstral processing removes the harmonics from the spectrum).It is shown that the cepstrum-based noise baseline estimation process is comparable to applying a moving average MA filter to the power spectrum and hence the baseline receives contributions from the glottal source excited vocal tract and the noise excited vocal tract. Two important issues need to be considered with respect to HNR estimation for sustained vowel phonation when inferring glottal noise levels: HNR is a global indicator of voice periodicity.HNR is indirectly related to the noise level of the glottal source .HNR provides a g lobal estimate of signal periodicity. Hence a low value of HNR can arise from any form of aperiodicity, for example, from aspiration noise, jitter, shimmer, nonstationarity of the vocal tract, or other waveform anomalies [43]. Daryush Mehta has discussed about Aspiration Noise during Phonation: Synthesis, Analysis, and Pitch-Scale Modification. The current study investigates the synthesis and analysis of aspiration noise in synthesized and spoken vowels. Based on the linear source-filter model of speech production, author has implemented a vowel synthesizer in which the aspiration noise source is temporally modulated by the periodic source waveform. Modulations in the noise source waveform and their synchronism with the periodic source are shown to be salient for natural-sounding vowel synthesis. The accurate estimation of the aspiration noise component that contains energy across the frequency spectrum and temporal characteristics due to modulations in the noise source was a challenging task for the author. Spectral harmonic/noise component analysis of spoken vowels shows evidence of noise modulations with peaks in the estimated noise source component synchronous with both the open phase of the periodic s ource and with time instants of glottal closure [39]. Due to natural modulations in the aspiration noise source, author has developed an alternate approach to the speech signal processing with the aim of accurate pitch-scale modification. The proposed strategy takes a dual processing approach, in which the periodic and noise components of the speech signal are separately analyzed, modified, and re-synthesized. The periodic component is modified using our implementation of time-domain pitch-synchronous overlap-add, and the noise component is handled by modifying characteristics of its source waveform. Author has modeled an inherent coupling between the original periodic and aspiration noise sources; the modification algorithm is designed to preserve the synchronism between temporal modulations of the two sources [44]. The reconstructed modified signal is perceived to be natural-sounding and generally reduces artifacts. Arpit Mathur have discussed about the significance of parametric spectral ratio methods in detection and recognit ion of whispered speech [45]. Other References Kaladhar developed confusion matrix which is a matrix for a two-class classifier, contains information about actual and predicted classifications done by a classification system. The accuracy obtained by training the probabilistic neural network using Parkinson disease dataset got 100% as positives, predictions that an instance is positive, using WEKA 3 and Matlab v7. The data explored in this research was obtained from the Oxford Parkinsons Disease Detection Dataset. Data mining is the process of extracting patterns from data. Data mining is an important tool to transform this data into information. Authors present results with accuracy obtained by training the probabilistic neural network using the above dataset [46]. Xiao Li proposed a technique to reduce the likelihood computation in ASR systems that use continuous density HMMs. Based on the nature of dynamic features and the numerical properties of Gaussian mixture distributions, the observation likelihood computation is approximated to achieve a speedup. Although the technique does not show appreciable benefit in an isolated word task, it yields significant improvements in continuous speech recognition. For example, 50% of the computation can be saved on the TIMIT database with only a negligible degradation in system performance [47]. Authors analyze the case with only static features and their deltas and focus on achieving computational saving by partially computing the observation probability in a Gaussian component. It ignores computing the dynamic-feature part of an observation vector when its static-feature part already falls in the tail of a Gaussian. This technique doesnt require a complicated training procedure and brings almost no overhead to the decoding process. It is effective on both isolated word and connected word speech tasks, but works especially well on connected word recognition with high-dimensional dynamic features [47]. Elisabeth Ahlsà ©n has discussed different types of communication disorders. In case of Global aphasia there is nil or almost no linguistic communication. In case of Broca’s aphasia there is slow, effortful speech, telegram style, word finding problems known as anomia, relatively good comprehension. In case of Wernicke’s aphasia there is fluent verbose speech, w ord finding difficulties known as anomia, substitutions of words and sounds, impaired comprehension. In case of Anomic aphasia there are only word finding problems [49]. Kristen Jacobson explains about auditory and language processing disorders as follows. There are three general levels that speech sounds travel through while we are â€Å"listening†. The first level refers to the reception of sounds that occurs within our ears. A person who is diagnosed with a hearing impairment has difficulties perceiving sounds at this level. This problem is not referred to as a processing disorder. Central auditory processing disorders (CAPD) refer to difficulties discriminating, identifying and retaining sounds after the ears have heard the sounds. Individuals who experience difficulties attaching meaning to sound groups that form words, sentences and stories are often diagnosed with language processing disorders. They may also experience similar difficulties processing and organizing language for meaning during reading. Similar sounding words are often confused and some individuals may experience sensitivity to specific sounds. Reduced recognition of stre ss patterns and word boundaries within sentences is often present, especially during rapid speech or listening without visual cues. At times, only parts of messages are received accurately, so that messages and directions often appear incomplete. Specific language processing deficits are often reflected in delayed responses, the need to rehearse statements, and/or the need for frequent reviews while learning new information [50]. There are various types of speech disorders in children described as follows. Articulation: There is difficulty in the production of individual or sequenced sounds. The speakers exhibit substitutions, omissions, additions, and distortions of syllables or words. The Motor or Neurogenic speech disorders result into speech difficulties and affect the planning, coordination, timing, and execution of speech movements. Apraxia of speech is neurogenic motor speech disorder affecting the planning of speech. There is difficulty with the voluntary, purposeful movement of speech .The causes are stroke, tumor, head injury, and developmental disorders. The speakers can produce individual sounds but cannot produce them in longer words or sentences. Voice disorders affect pitch, duration, intensity, resonance, and vocal quality parameters. Fluency disorders produce interruptions in the flow of speaking. It is also known as stuttering. It means frequent repetition and/or prolongation of words or sounds [51]. Treatment of children with Speech Oral Placement Disorders (OPD)s needs various types of speech oral placement therapy (OPT) .Children with speech OPDs may have typical or a typical oral structures. The key to the definition of OPD lies in the child’s ability or inability to imitate auditory-visual stimuli and follow verbal oral placement instructions. Children with OPD cannot imitate targeted speech sounds using auditory and visual stimuli .They also cannot follow specific instructions to produce targeted speech sounds [52]. Thomas Dubuisson described an analysis system aiming at discriminating between normal and pathological voices. Based on the normal and pathological samples included the MEEI database, it has been found that using two features (spectral decrease and first spectral tristimuli in the Bark scale). Music Information Retrieval (MIR) aims at extracting information from music in order to build classification system of music. Temporal Domain features are Energy, mean, standard deviation. Spectral features are spectral Delta, Spectral Mean Value, Spectral Standard Deviation, Spectral Center of Gravity known as spectral centroid, Spectral Moments. The first four moments of the power spectrum M1, M2, M3, M4 . M3 is used to compute the skewness defining the orientation of the PSD around its first moment. If it is positive, the PSD is more oriented to the right and to the left if is negative. The skewness is computed as Skewness = M3/(M2)3/2 . The fourth moment is used to compute the kurtos is defining the acuity of the PSD around its first moment. A Gaussian distribution is having a kurtosis equal to 3, a distribution with a higher kurtosis is more acute than a Gaussian one while a distribution with a lower kurtosis is more flat than a Gaussian distribution. The kurtosis is computed as Kurtosis = M4/(M2)2. The Soft Phonation Index is defined for the (0–1000 Hz) and (0–8000 Hz) frequency bands [54]. Behnaz Ghoraani proposed a novel methodology for automatic pattern classification of pathological voices. The main contribution of this paper is extraction of meaningful and unique features using Adaptive time-frequency distribution (TFD) and nonnegative matrix factorization (NMF). The proposed method extracts meaningful and unique features from the joint TFD of the speech, and automatically identifies and measures the abnormality of the signal. The proposed method is applied on the Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary (MEEI) voice disorders database. As a matter of fact from the TFD of abnormal speech it is evident that there are more transients in the abnormal signals, and the formants in pathological speech are more spread and are less structured [55]. Corinne Fredouille have addressed voice disorder assessment. The goal of this methodology is to bring a better understanding of acoustic phenomena related to dysphonia. The automatic system was validated on dysphonic corpus (80) female voices. These observations led to a manual analysis of unvoiced plosives, which highlighted a lengthening of VOT according to the dysphonia severity validated by a preliminary statistical analysis. The feature vectors issued from this analysis, at a 10 millisecond rate, are finally normalized to fit a 0-mean and 1-variance distribution. The LFSC/MFSC computation is done by using the (GPL) SPRO toolkit. Finally, the feature vectors can be augmented by adding dynamic information representing the way these vectors vary in time. Here, first and second derivatives of static coefficients are considered (also named Δ and ΔΔ coefficients) resulting in 72 coefficients [56]. Younggwan Kim discussed the role of the statistical model-based voice activity detector (SMVAD) to detect speech regions from input signals using the statistical models of noise and noisy speech. The LRT-based decision rule may cause detection errors because of statistical properties of noise and speech signals[57]. Wiqas Ghai described automatic speech recognition system as comprised of modules Speech Signal acquisition ,Feature extraction, using MFCC is done . Acoustic Modeling is done for expected phonetics of the hypothesis word/sentence. For generating mapping between the basic speech units such as phones, tri-phones syllables, a rigorous training is carried. During training, a pattern representative for the features of a class using one or more patterns corresponding to speech sounds of the same class. Language Lexical Modeling is done with the help of Text Corpus, Pronunciation Dictionary and Language Model [59]. Lucas Leon Oller presents analysis of voice signals for the Harmonics-to-Noise crossover frequency .The harmonics-to-noise ratio (HNR) has been used to assess the behavior of the vocal fold closure. The objective is to find a particular harmonics-to-noise crossover frequency (HNF) where the harmonic components of the voice drop below the noise floor, and use it as an indicator of the vocal fold insufficiency. . As the range used for the calculation of the cepstrum approaches the lowest octaves, the growth of the rahmonics should accelerate at some point, the range is going to contain harmonics that are above the noise floor level, and then the energy of the rahmonics will start to faster. That point would be the harmonics-to-noise crossover frequency [60]. Daryl Ning has developed an Isolated Word Recognition System in MATLAB. A robust speech-recognition system combines accuracy of identification with the ability to filter out noise and adapt to other acoustic conditions, such as the speaker’s speech rate and accent. It requires detailed knowledge of signal processing and statistical modeling [61]. Phonetic Concepts Daniel Jurafsky presented a case study of Star trek where robots converse with humans in natural Dialogue system with language conversational agents. Various components that make up modern conversational agents, including language input and language output dialogue ,automatic speech recognition, natural language understanding ,response planning , speech synthesis systems and the goal of machine translation which leads to automatic translation of a document from one language to another is explained here [62]. Steven Pruett describes speech as the motor act of communicating by articulating verbal expression and Language as the knowledge of a symbol system used for interpersonal communication. Mary Planchart has explained four domains of language namely Phonology, Grammar , Morphology ,Syntax , and Pragmatics [63], [64]. Eric J. Hunter has presented a case study of a 5 year old healthy male child. He has analyzed comparison of the child’s fundamental frequencies in structured elicited vocalizations versus unstructured natural vocalizations. The child also wore a National Center for Voice and Speech voice dosimeter, a device that collects voice data over the course of an entire day, during all activities for 34 hours over 4 days. It was observed that the child’s long-term F0 distribution is not normal. If this distribution is consistent in long-term, unstructured natural vocalization patterns of children, statistical mean would not be a valid measure. Author has suggested mode and median as two parameters which convey more accurate information about typical F0 usage [65].

Friday, October 25, 2019

Communication Essay -- Verbal and Non Verbal Communication

Today many people still lack the ability to communicate effectively with in interpersonal relationships. It is through cooperation and collaboration that effective communication occurs. By analyzing and studying the communication process we can improve our ability to communicate effectively between one another. To have a successful interpersonal relationship one must first interact with others, which is called interpersonal communication (Hybels and Weaver pg.156). Recognizing emotions in other is a very important first step to building a relationship. If you can’t feel what someone else is feeling then you can’t connect with them on a personal level and that can hinder your relationship process. Interpersonal communication is important because of the functions it achieves. Whenever we engage in communication with another person, we seek to gain information about them. We also give off information through a wide variety of verbal and non-verbal cues. Verbal communication has huge effects on many aspects of life, including interpersonal relationships. Speaking and telling our needs and wants verbally or non-verbally is a necessity for daily life. Verbal communication is organized by language; non-verbal communication is not. Most of us spend about 75 percent of our waking hours communicating our knowledge, thoughts, and ideas to others (Allis, 2002). However, most of us fail to realize that a great deal of our communication is of a non-verbal form as opposed to the oral and written forms. Non-verbal communication includes facial expressions, eye contact, tone of voice, body posture and motions, and positioning within groups. It may also include the way we wear our clothes or the silence we keep. In person-to-person com... ... We can do this by conflict resolution, which is negotiating to find a solution to the conflict (Hybels, 2007 pg202). Depending on how a conflict is resolved it can produce a positive or negative result. For example if two sisters are fight over a dress to wear on the weekend, they have two choices: one wear the dress and the other one does not, which leaves one sister unhappy (negative outcome) or neither of them wear it, so both are satisfied and neither of them are jealous of the other (positive outcome). It also helps to take a positive approach to conflict resolution, where discussion is considerate and non-confrontational, and the heart of the matter is on issues rather than on individuals. If this is done, then, as long as people listen carefully and explore facts, issues and possible solutions properly, conflict can often be resolved effectively.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Expository Essay: Body Image Essay

Most women could agree that it can be rather frustrating and sometimes difficult to find the perfect clothes for that perfect fit. Oftentimes many women may feel they look fat in their skin tight jeans, or do not have nice, shapely legs to wear those cute short shorts during the summer months. Some women may have some extra padding they would like to conceal, whereas others may want the extra padding. There are specific body types for all women, and when people refer to body types they may refer to a pear shaped body that entails acquiring a slender neck, narrow shoulders, small bust line, a shapely waist, and generous lower hips and full thighs. Some women may have a round figure, which may give them a giving bust, fuller back, generous middle, narrow hips, and slender legs (which many women may love to have). In any case, many plus sized women face conflict concerning selecting clothes; however, there are numerous options that can flatter any body type. Accentuating Assets For those women who know they have a grand set of brilliant, voluptuous breasts, remember that cleavage is a much more tasteful and yet sexy way to go then trying to show full breast for the world to see. Instead, try wearing a slinky halter neck dress or shirt to skim modestly over breasts and show off any curves. Also investing in a well fitted bra will also help in accentuating those brilliant beauties. At hand, there are countless women with amazingly shaped, long, slender legs and many women with nice, toned arms. A woman with long, shapely legs could be wearing above the knee  skirts or short shorts. Women with the nice toned, muscular arms should try wearing more sleeveless shirts or dresses to show off those shapely toned muscles. For women who seem to have that excess skin under the arms, try opting for a shirt with fitted sleeves just above the elbow to help minimize any sagging they may not want seen. Women are continually trying to focus always on hiding what they do not want to be seen. However, instead of trying to focus on hiding what they do not like about their body, they should try to focus on what they do like most and in turn; the observer will focus more on the positives rather than the negatives. Remember, focusing more on showing off the goods will derail the audience in trying to focus on any flaws a woman is trying to cover up. Jeans and Pants It is true for some women that the pants or jeans they buy just do not look or feel right on  their body. Do they feel they make them look larger than they are? What if these pants or jeans make them look even slimmer then they want to look? There are numerous diverse styles of jeans and pants that will look amazing on any figure. For women who worry about their waistline, maybe try pants that sit low on the hips, which will help to slenderize the trouble area. Slacks that sit just below the naval will make a woman’s midriff seem longer and more slender, according to a contributor at ( If a woman is trying to hide thighs, saddlebags, or a big booty, she should try opting for a slightly flared or boot-cut style jean or pant. This type of style will in turn help draw attention away from those problem areas. According to Falcon (2011), another marvelous idea to help hide those unwanted thunder thighs: try a pair of skinny jeans with a tailored blazer, a longer shirt, and high heels. Flat-front pants and a side or back zipper can help flatter the figure. For those women trying to hide the tummy area, try to avoid pockets and tight pants, for they will only draw that unwanted attention to the midsection. Dresses and Skirts Some women believe they are feminine and sophisticated in a nice flowing dress whether it is a glamorous formal gown to something as simple as just a  wrap around. However, it can be sometimes difficult to find that perfect dress or skirt that will look perfect on a woman and appeal to her body type. A woman can never go wrong with an A-line cut dress. According to a contributor from (, these styles flow naturally over the stomach and hips, and will draw attention to the waist at the smallest part. When looking for glamorous gowns  look for a dress that flows with the natural curves of the body. Falcon (2011) says that scoop necks, sweetheart cuts, and even off-the-shoulder are especially flattering. A woman who may be on the heavier side should try to stay away from gowns that could leave her looking plump, so instead stay with thicker lined fabrics (example would be a stretch satin) that will help in concealing those unattractive ripples. Angie (2008) suggests that for women who want to conceal their stomach area more could lean toward a printed wrap dress, which helps in defining the waistline while the print camouflages the stomach area. Many women struggle with below the waistline areas like the hips and thighs. Women can solve this by looking for dresses that create volume on the bottom. Pencil style and bias-cut skirts are frowned upon slightly for any woman and her body type. These styles tend to cling to the body more and emphasize those areas she does not want noticed. Colors and Patterns Not only do the right clothes make a difference, but colors and patterns can play a big role as well. If a woman is wide around the middle she may want to avoid any horizontal striping on clothing. Wide horizontal striping is a huge NO for wide figured women! Vertical stripes are wide-reducing friendly, and they also give off a more professional look as well. However, maybe there are women who need or want to look a little wider? That is alright and by all means horizontal stripes could be their best friend. However, try not to overdo it or get too carried away. Less is more. Also pin stripes and tunics give off an attractive lengthening look to a woman’s body. As far as colors are concerned, even though black is the number one choice in  color for slimming the body, it certainly does not have to be the last. Jewel tone colors like garnet, cobalt, and even plum are great colors to experiment with. Women can even try colors like navy blue, burgundy, or even a dark brown. A splash of color can help lively up any person’s mood. However, if black is her favorite color try dressing it up a bit with a nice colored belt, jewelry, or even a great pair of shoes (Falcon, 2011). Accessories Many women love to accessorize. Accessorizing the outfits should be fun for everyone and are the final finishing touches to a great ensemble. However, there are women that like the simple look, so if they are not into accessorizing, a simple pair of earrings of their choice or a necklace can help to simplify their ensemble. Quite a few women like the belt look and, will use that as an accessory. The secret to wearing belts is to wear them above a woman’s natural waistline according to Falcon (2011). Waist high belts can make an ensemble look good. Scarves seem to be a trendy new look for a woman dressing casual or if she is going for a more elegant style. Wool scarves are best worn in winter, while cotton scarves with bright colors are well suited for the spring and summer. Silk scarves are very exotic and can add some elegance to any dress. Beautiful, bright, and exotic silk and linen scarves will not only liven up any wardrobe, but add that summery euphoria to a womanâ€℠¢s personality. A woman’s shoes are her very core – alright maybe not her core but close to it. She should always finish an outfit with a great pair of shoes. High heels are nice in that they elongate, making a woman look taller and leaner. Open toed shoes can give those thighs and calves a slimmer look than wearing a closed toe shoe that would give off the opposite illusion. Women should avoid ankle straps if their legs are already slim. However, for those women who want to add a fuller appearance, ankle straps are their friends. When concerning wearing boots, the knee-high boots, or boots that fall just below the knee have become a popular trend for short skirts according to a contributor from ( Whatever the style shoe or boot a woman should be sure the shoe or boot is comfortable for her and emphasize  what she wants to accentuate the most. In all, a woman should have fun experimenting. Women can mix and match to suit any kind of ensemble. A woman can even come up with her own styles that better suit her and how comfortable she feels wearing what she chooses. Remember, there are numerous styles out there that will fit any body style, whether a woman has a pear shaped body, hourglass, or even round. It is just a matter of living happy and confident not only on the inside but on the outside as well that will really grab a person’s attention. References Falcon, A. (Copyright 2011). Fashion How Tos: Plus-Size No- No’s Busted: How to Wear Tricky Looks. How to Dress to Make Yourself Look Skinnier [Anonymous]. (Last edited December 28, 2010). Glass, V. (Copyright 1999-2011). How to Wear Clothes That Make You Look Slimmer. Scott J. R. (Updated September 28, 2009). 10 Tips to Looking More Slender.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019


Desire was a young bride that was adopted with no connection to the past that marries a successful Louisianan plantation owner. Desire and Armband have a baby, but something isn't quite right with him because at about three months of age the truth comes out, the baby has African origins causing the marriage to dissolve. Armband's accusation leads to heartache and tragedy because he valued his family name more than his family. Having a mulatto in those times was not unheard of, but not in â€Å"his† family.The cultural system is flawed because it leads to pride being challenged and personal humiliation of social system based on white supremacy and the oppression f women and people of color. Waits 2 Armband's misogynistic pride was destructive to the faithful relationship that Desire and he shared in the beginning. It seems that Armband wasn't really in love with Desire, at least not truly. â€Å"Armband Abusing riding by seeing her there had fallen in love with her.That was th e way all the Bigness fell in love, as if struck by a pistol shot† (301). Armband has known Dsire for years and never felt any feelings for her, so it seems to reason that it was apparent that he was driven by his unconscious assign, or as Sigmund Freud says his lust for her and not as a deep seated emotional love. His prideful name leads us to believe his love is only superficial because he doesn't care where she came from, his only concern was that she carried his last name. Desire was only his possession, not his wife. The passion that awoke in him that day, when he saw her at the gate, swept along like and avalanche†¦ He was reminded that she was nameless. What did that matter about a name when he could give her the oldest and proudest in Louisiana† (302)? Armband is selfish. He has it all, family name that seems to be compared to royalty, a wealthy plantation owner with vast slaves, all of which he's normally cruel to except when he gets married and his pridefu l baby boy was born. Armband seemed kinder, gentler, and more tolerant. †¦ He hasn't punished one of them-not one of them-since the baby is born. Even Engineering, who pretended to have burnt his leg that he might rest from work-he only laughed, and said Engineering was a great scamp† (302). Although his face has softened and his demeanor is less oppressive, still his only concern is the family name. Desire, the baby, and the slaves are still viewed to him as property and possessions, ones that are good or bad, but either way his name is upon them and whatever they do reflects his name.Once Armband realizes that his baby boy, the one to carry on his â€Å"name† was of African dissent, the baby and Desire were cast aside Waits 3 because they were no longer any use to him. Their worth was nothing to him any longer because his pride and heritage were at stake. Armband is a wealthy plantation owner, he courts, marries, and father's a child, but in the end his pride lea ds him to ultimately turn his back on his family. The other major issue that â€Å"Desires Baby† brings to light is that of racism.Racism, with an indispensable set of truths-racism only victimizes all â€Å"possessions† in the South that lead to the ultimate superiority ideology. The superior ideology says that being black is an evil curse that must be stamped out. African Americans were considered inferior to the white culture which led to Desire and her baby's destruction. Armband ruled with an iron fist as a cruel master in Southern legend. â€Å"Young Bigamy's rule was a strict one, too, and under it is Negroes had forgotten how to be gay, as they had been during the old master's easy-going and indulgent lifetime† (302).He was mean and enormously for how he treated his slaves and finally his wife. The baby, at three months old seemed to resemble La Blanches little squadron boy who was standing beside the baby fanning him to cool him off. â€Å"One of La Bl anches little squadron boys-half naked too- stood fanning the child slowly with a fan of peacock feathers. Desires eyes had been fixed absently and sadly upon the baby, while she was striving to penetrate the heartening mist that she felt closing about her. She looked from the child to the boy who stood beside him, and back again.. T was a cry that she could not help†¦ She tried to speak to the little squadron boy; but no sound would come at first†¦ She stayed motionless, with gaze riveted upon on her child, and her face the picture of fright† (303). The quote shows the beginning of the end for the Abusing family. The superficial love that Armband had for Desire, was completely gone. The only thing left was the racist, black heart he had. Waits 4 Merriam Webster defines racism as a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capabilities. Racism played a huge part in the story because once Armband found out that his baby boy had an African heritag e, his whole attitude changed. His attitude towards the love of his life was cast aside along with her baby and hearts were broken. Armband assumed it was Desire that was not white, but in actuality, it was him who was not. â€Å"But, above all,† she wrote, â€Å"night and day, I thank the good God for having so arranged our lives that our dear Armband will never know hat his mother, who adores him, belongs to the race that is cursed with the brand of slavery† (305).The story has certain aspects of situational irony; such a reversal clearly shows that ideas of race, and the racism stemming from such ideas, are created by humans and humans alone. The use of situational irony in â€Å"Desires Baby' is important because it makes the ending of discovering Armband's origins much more powerful. The reader is somewhat confused as to the outcome of the irony because the reader thinks it's Desires fault as well. The story begins with her not having a name and Armband giving he r one of the oldest and proudest names in Louisiana.The irony of the situation was that Armband was expecting it to be Desires fault, but as it is clearly written, it was not. â€Å"Desires Baby† dealt with society's issue of slavery, miscegenation, and the assignment and classification of race. Desire and her baby were victims of the â€Å"superior culture† of the times, but the situational irony where Armband blames Desire is profound in the sense that one can never be too certain of his or her heritage.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

The eNotes Blog Januarys Study Tip How to Beat the Winter QuarterBlues

Januarys Study Tip How to Beat the Winter QuarterBlues Winter is the cruelest of quarters. One day youre making merry and ringing in the new year, the next youre expected to have read all of your coursework and to bounce back to student life with the youth and agility of, well, a student If you feel the winter quarter sads, try these quick tips to stay motivated for your classes: 1. Jazz up your dorm room Cheap and cheerful are the operative words here. Because of winters short days and long nights, your little space can easily turn gloomy, which in turn will affect your mood and how well you study there. Try injecting some extra light with the help of an inexpensive box of Christmas tree lights. Itll feel like the good winter cheer never left. You can find other dorm room decorating ideas on this Pinterest board. 2. Invest in a light therapy box Similar to above, if you live somewhere cold getting enough of the suns rays can make or break your winter blues. Unless youre fortunate enough to live in the sunshine state this time of year, you may want to invest in a light therapy box for your desk.  Mayo Clinic  has some helpful information on how theyre used to treat SAD (Seasonal affective disorder). You may also want to replenish the Vitamin D youll be missing with nutrition or supplements. 3. Break up a boring routine Yes, routines can be great, but if you feel youre falling into a winter quarter slump because of the day-to-day drudgery of classes, punctuated only by more studying and mealtimes, get out there and find something fun to break up your routine. You could join a club, apply for an internship, audition for the school play, or plan an outing with friends. Anything that gives you something exciting to look forward to is a good thing. And that, my friends, is how you win winter. Enjoy the season!

Monday, October 21, 2019

Free Essays on Logic Of George Boole And Its Application To The Design Of Modern Computers

A. Introduction Modern computers are now considered as one of the most important digital machines in our modern time. People use computers in many ways. In business, computers track inventories with bar codes and scanners, check the credit status of customers, and transfer funds electronically. Computers in automobiles regulate the flow of fuel, thereby increasing gas mileage. Computers also entertain, creating digitized sound on stereo systems or computer-animated features from a digitally encoded laser disc. Computer programs, or applications, exist to aid every level of education, from programs that teach simple addition or sentence construction to programs that teach advanced calculus. But did you know that that the design of modern computers originally came from the logician George Boole who developed the Boolean algebra? Boolean algebra is a two-valued system of algebra that represented logical relationships and operations. Later, scientists and physicists like John von Neumann and Alan Turing used his system of algebra for the development of modern computers. In the latter part of the study you will see the different people who used the Boolean algebra as their channel for the progress of digital computers. 1. Life of George Boole Boole, George (1815-1864), British mathematician and logician, who developed Boolean algebra. He was born on November 2, 1815 in Lincolnshire, England. Largely self-educated, in 1849 Boole was appointed professor of mathematics at Queen's College (now University College) in Cork, Ireland. In 1854, in An Investigation of the Laws of Thought, Boole described an algebraic system that later became known as Boolean algebra. In Boolean algebra, logical propositions are denoted by symbols and can be acted on by abstract mathematical operators that correspond to the laws of logic. Boolean algebra is of prime importance to the study of pure mathematics and to the design of modern compute... Free Essays on Logic Of George Boole And Its Application To The Design Of Modern Computers Free Essays on Logic Of George Boole And Its Application To The Design Of Modern Computers A. Introduction Modern computers are now considered as one of the most important digital machines in our modern time. People use computers in many ways. In business, computers track inventories with bar codes and scanners, check the credit status of customers, and transfer funds electronically. Computers in automobiles regulate the flow of fuel, thereby increasing gas mileage. Computers also entertain, creating digitized sound on stereo systems or computer-animated features from a digitally encoded laser disc. Computer programs, or applications, exist to aid every level of education, from programs that teach simple addition or sentence construction to programs that teach advanced calculus. But did you know that that the design of modern computers originally came from the logician George Boole who developed the Boolean algebra? Boolean algebra is a two-valued system of algebra that represented logical relationships and operations. Later, scientists and physicists like John von Neumann and Alan Turing used his system of algebra for the development of modern computers. In the latter part of the study you will see the different people who used the Boolean algebra as their channel for the progress of digital computers. 1. Life of George Boole Boole, George (1815-1864), British mathematician and logician, who developed Boolean algebra. He was born on November 2, 1815 in Lincolnshire, England. Largely self-educated, in 1849 Boole was appointed professor of mathematics at Queen's College (now University College) in Cork, Ireland. In 1854, in An Investigation of the Laws of Thought, Boole described an algebraic system that later became known as Boolean algebra. In Boolean algebra, logical propositions are denoted by symbols and can be acted on by abstract mathematical operators that correspond to the laws of logic. Boolean algebra is of prime importance to the study of pure mathematics and to the design of modern compute...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Ideal Gas Law Example Problem

Ideal Gas Law Example Problem The ideal gas law is  an equation of state the describes the behavior of an ideal gas and also a real gas under conditions of ordinary temperature and low pressure. This is one of the most useful gas laws to know because it can be used to find pressure, volume, number of moles, or temperature of a gas. The formula for the ideal gas law is: PV nRT P pressureV volumen number of moles of gasR   ideal or universal  gas constant   0.08 L atm / mol KT   absolute temperature  in Kelvin Sometimes, you may use another version of the ideal gas law: PV NkT where: N number of moleculesk   Boltzmann constant 1.38066 x 10-23  J/K 8.617385 x 10-5  eV/K Ideal Gas Law Example One of the easiest applications of the ideal gas law is to find the unknown value, given all the others. 6.2 liters of an ideal gas is contained at 3.0 atm and 37  °C. How many moles of this gas are present? Solution The ideal gas law states PV nRT Because the units of the gas constant are given using atmospheres, moles, and Kelvin, its important to make sure you convert values given in other temperature or pressure scales. For this problem, convert  °C temperature to K using the equation: T  °C 273 T 37  °C 273T 310 K Now, you can plug in the values. Solve ideal gas law for the number of moles n PV / RT n ( 3.0 atm x 6.2 L ) / ( 0.08 L atm /mol K x 310 K)n 0.75 mol Answer There are 0.75 mol of the ideal gas present in the system.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Security Management Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4250 words - 1

Security Management - Research Paper Example This evaluation is often referred to as Return on Investment (ROI) in finance. The Return on Investment is calculated by: The concept of Return on Investment is applicable to all investments in an organization. Security sector of an organization is never an exception. The executive decision makers of organizations often have the interest to know the impact of security on the bottom-line operations of the firm. It is imperative to know how much the lack of security in an organization costs the firm before deciding on the amounts of capital to invest on security. The firm thereafter decides on the most cost effective solutions to its security woes. When applied to the security sector of the firm, a Return on Security Investment (ROSI) calculation provides quantitative answers to a firm’s essential financial questions. The Return on Security Investment aids the organization to determine if it spends too much on its security bids. It informs the organization on the financial impact on productivity that the lack of security could cause. Additionally, Return on Security Investment calculation aids the firm’s management to know the extent to which the security investment is enough (Bruce, 2008). Finally, ROSI gives the firm an overview on the benefits of the security product or system. This task looks at security management issues, dissecting aspects of ROSI with reference to Blackberry Company. Blackberry Company is a Canadian wireless equipment and telecommunication company with a reputation of developing Blackberry brands of tablets and hand-held phones. The company was originally known as Research in Motion (RIM). The company’s dominance in the United States market once stood at 43% of the market share. This dominance has precipitously declined in the recent past due to intense competition from Google’s Android and Apple’s iPhone brands. By 2013, the company’s US

Friday, October 18, 2019

Article Review on Advertising Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Article Review on Advertising - Essay Example The article exemplified the continuing struggle for democracy among many developing countries. Aung San Suu Kyi fought for democracy and was imprisoned for her beliefs. After years of imprisonment, she was later released. The reaction of the people to her release shows the country’s desire to obtain the very principles that she has been fighting for all her life. Attempts to silence her and to prevent her from talking about democracy with the people have largely been ignored and once again, these actions show her relentless drive towards democracy and the exercise of its privileges. The above article discusses how Netanyahu was pressured on both sides – the US and the Israeli Cabinet on the acceptance (or refusal) of the incentives package offered by the US. The incentives package was one of the means being proposed by the US in order to achieve a semblance of peace in the West Bank. This article expresses that in order to achieve progress in society, certain compromises and concessions need to be made by parties involved. In the above article, the â€Å"don’t ask† policy is being discussed based on the ruling of the High Court which refused to block discharges from the military service based on a person’s sexual orientation, i.e. being gay. This ruling is considered one of the most debated policies in the US. On one side of the argument, people claim that the act is unconstitutional, and on the other side, others uphold that is it constitutional. The very essence of this issue is about a person’s right to not reveal his sexual orientation. One’s sexual orientation does not have anything to do with one’s ability to serve one’s country, and for as long as being gay does not interfere with a person’s ability to protect the country, it should not be made an issue. The article exemplifies how the current strategies on international laws and extradition help ensure that criminal offenders are

Elements of a risk management program Term Paper

Elements of a risk management program - Term Paper Example The American Society for Healthcare Risk Management (ASHRM) established in1980, responded to the probing risk management interest. With time other entities such as those of ambulatory care, long-term care began to implement risk management program since they realized its value (ASHRM, 2009). This paper will analyze ways of presenting a healthcare risk management program to new employees especially, evaluate its acceptance and compliance and suggest recommendations on the same. It will also examine the administration process of management of the program with ASHRM as the case study. Since the world is dynamic, risks also change with passing time, so does the management of risks. Youngberg (1998) holds that with the changing nature of risk management, effective communication lies in the centrality of risk management program. Thus, lines of communication must be open for a successful risk management program. There should be open lines of communication between staff, employees and the team of healthcare professionals as a whole: nursing staff, ancillary staff, administration and medical staff. Education is a very vital element in risk management program of a health care organization. New employees who may not be familiar with the organization’s policies, risk management measures and ways of addressing them would be of dire need of this education more than other employees. However, this does not mean that the rest of the organization’s staff would be cut off. Before the presentation, the risk manager should create a checklist for the program’s objectives; that is what the educator would want the attendee to gain from the program. Another checklist to remind the educator of the administrative issues related to the program should also be established. The risk manager or educator should then hold a mandatory formal meeting that would include both new and other employees of the healthcare organization. The educator’s credibility is essential for

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Database vs. Spreadsheet Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Database vs. Spreadsheet - Essay Example In section two of this paper, overview of database and spreadsheet is given. Section three of this paper discusses various types of similarity that both MS Access and MS Excel have. In section four of the paper, the technical analysis of the software’s will be presented. And at last in section five, which software MS Access and MS Excel can be used in which situation will be discussed. A spreadsheet is a rectangular table of information. It means for the format used to present bookkeeping ledgers. The most common use of spreadsheets is to manage basic information such as telephone numbers, employee names, financial data, calculations, addresses and many more other things. Spreadsheets can store data but in actual it is not performs that job as easily as a database can perform. In actual, a spreadsheet is not considered as a database. It some thing like a robust, multifaceted calculator and data analyzer that incidentally can perform some database functions. As spreadsheets are intended to handle numerical data, they will also handle text, but they are not suited to handling complex queries and intradata relationships, so they are not used in data handling systems. Various types of spreadsheet programs that are used are KSpread, Calc or Microsoft Excel. Microsoft Excel and other spreadsheet software programs are not database management systems. They stores data in rows and columns called worksheets and areas within the worksheet, where the rows and columns intersect are called cells. Database in general is a collection of data arranged for ease and speed of search and retrieval. Database is also called as databank. In technical perspective database can be defined as a set of related files that is created and managed by a database management system (DBMS). Now these days, database management system can manage any form of data. The forma of data may include text, images, sound and video. Today some of the common database management systems

Managerial and Professional Development Assignment - 1

Managerial and Professional Development - Assignment Example ussion presented will be based on the evaluation of policies, practices and approaches of learning and development by British Airways, in particular, the examination of the learning approach will focus on the double loop learning mechanism. Secondly, the essay will present a personal reflection in relation to studying an MBA and further connect the learning approach with personal experiences. Double loop learning has been central to the subject of learning and development programs by organisations. Chris Argyris first proposed the concept of double loop learning in the 1970s and it has consequently become a pertinent component of strategic management in the 21st century. According to Argyris and SchoN (1978), double loop learning refers to a learning model in which the predominant assumptions regarding goals and objectives of an organisation are assessed to determine whether the ongoing pursuit of objectives and goals are justified. Double loop learning approach principally underpins the prudence of error detection and correction in the management of an organisation. According to Argyris (1999),  it focuses on the theory of action by strategically examining the potential effects of changes on values, behaviours, and leadership of an organization. British Airways, the largest international airline in the UK has successfully integrated double loop learning approach in th e training and development of its employees (British Airways, 2014). Incorporating double loop learning and continually exhibiting generative learning strategies, British Airways has been labelled as a learning organisation. Dierkes (2001), defined learning organisation as learning model whereby employees continually enhance their capacity to achieve set objective in an environment where new concepts and expansive ways of thinking are developed and individuals are further encouraged to learn from each other. Consequently Argyris (1982) identified five disciplines as essential components of

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Financial Service Assignment 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Financial Service Assignment 2 - Essay Example vital contributor towards the steadiness with regard to the financial structure along with being a significant element in the course of operations associated with the existent economy (Department of Mathematics, 2008). The structure of derivatives market in the present times has been learnt to lure increased concentration next to the present environment related to fraud cases, financial crisis along with the collapse of few of the market participants. It was an evident fact that the recent financial catastrophe principally occurred because of the planned credit-linked securities which were not actually derivatives. This made the regulators and the policy developers think regarding intensification of the guidelines for boosting the lucidity and security for both the wide array of financial instruments as well as derivatives (Department of Mathematics, 2008). Derivatives are referred as financial contracts the worth of which is considered as a resultant of certain definite underlying assets. The underlying assets are believed to entail equity indices as well as equities, loans, exchange rates, commercial along with residential mortgages, bonds, interest rates, commodities and natural calamities like the hurricanes and the earthquakes. The derivative contracts appear or are available in numerous forms however, the most widespread forms entail forwards or futures, swaps and options (Acharya & et. al., 2009). A forward contract is referred to a certain contract in which the involved two parties comply to trade the definite â€Å"underlying asset† in the upcoming days at a specific point of time which has been ascertained earlier and at a preset price. Thus, the buyer complies today to purchase a definite form of asset in the upcoming days and the other party i.e. the seller complies to give delivery of that definite asset at the agreed and predetermined time. Futures are regarded as standardised form of forwards that are capable of being dealt in on the exchange

Managerial and Professional Development Assignment - 1

Managerial and Professional Development - Assignment Example ussion presented will be based on the evaluation of policies, practices and approaches of learning and development by British Airways, in particular, the examination of the learning approach will focus on the double loop learning mechanism. Secondly, the essay will present a personal reflection in relation to studying an MBA and further connect the learning approach with personal experiences. Double loop learning has been central to the subject of learning and development programs by organisations. Chris Argyris first proposed the concept of double loop learning in the 1970s and it has consequently become a pertinent component of strategic management in the 21st century. According to Argyris and SchoN (1978), double loop learning refers to a learning model in which the predominant assumptions regarding goals and objectives of an organisation are assessed to determine whether the ongoing pursuit of objectives and goals are justified. Double loop learning approach principally underpins the prudence of error detection and correction in the management of an organisation. According to Argyris (1999),  it focuses on the theory of action by strategically examining the potential effects of changes on values, behaviours, and leadership of an organization. British Airways, the largest international airline in the UK has successfully integrated double loop learning approach in th e training and development of its employees (British Airways, 2014). Incorporating double loop learning and continually exhibiting generative learning strategies, British Airways has been labelled as a learning organisation. Dierkes (2001), defined learning organisation as learning model whereby employees continually enhance their capacity to achieve set objective in an environment where new concepts and expansive ways of thinking are developed and individuals are further encouraged to learn from each other. Consequently Argyris (1982) identified five disciplines as essential components of

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

The Physics of Roller Coasters Essay Example for Free

The Physics of Roller Coasters Essay People sometimes engage in activities and are unaware that such activity involves physics. Physics is all around. For instance, you may go to Six Flags and do not analyze how physics helps the machines you ride in operate. Have you ever asked yourself how a roller coaster works? Would roller coasters safely run without the knowledge that physics offers us? The answer is no. Roller coasters are driven by physics; it mobilizes and gives its riders amusement through forces such as inertia, gravitation, and centripetal forces and utilizes different types of energies such as potential and kinetic energy. Physics is what makes roller coasters safe and effective. It is not only the high speed of the trains ofa roller coaster that makes the ride so thrilling but the acceleration of the train and the occasional feeling of weightlessness. At various times, roller coasters, or more specifically the trains of these, undergo acceleration, which is defined as the rate of change in velocity. The change may be in speed (magnitude) or direction, or in both. Roller coasters accelerate when they speed up and make the ride faster, slow down, or change direction. It decelerates as, for example, it ascends as if going up a hill. In this case, acceleration is dependent on its mass and the other forces acting on it. It is the acceleration of roller coasters what makes the ride more thrilling and exciting. When riding in a roller coaster a person may at some point feel weightlessness because they do not feel the chair they are sitting in as the roller coaster and yourself move vertically at 9. 8 m/sA2. Therefore, you encounter with Galileo and Newtons principle of free fall, an object moving under the influence of gravity only. Newtons laws of motion state that the sum of the forces acting on free-falling objects, gravitation and its inertia, equals to zero. Because these forces add up to zero as gravity cancels out with the objects inertia, then the rider while riding in an arched path, in form of for example a parabola, feels weightless. This free-fall also occurs when the roller coaster is up high in the air and abruptly drops and accelerates to the ground. It is due to gravity, the Earths pull, only and therefore, as Newton proposed, even though some people weight more than other, they accelerate at the same rate. One of the most important and fascinating parts of a roller coaster ride are its curves. When going through a loop, the track of the roller coaster exerts a centripetal force. Centripetal force is a force that makes a body follow a curved path. If you ever wonder how you go through a loop in a roller coaster without falling off, one of the reasons for this is centripetal force which holds the riders in their seat. It is a force that pulls you in the direction of the center of a circle when traveling in a circular course. Furthermore, roller coasters also have a relationship with inertia which also helps passengers stay in their seats and not fall off the train. Inertia is the property of things to resist any changes in motion. For example, if an object is still then it will not move unless a force acts on it, the esistance of moving is considered inertia. This force presses each individual to the outside of the loop as the train twists upside down. Gravity is still pulling you toward Earth but acceleration force is more powerful than gravity at the top which also pulls you but in the opposite direction, upwards. Similarly, a moving roller coaster, as it is or force alters its speed or direction. The more mass the roller coaster has, the more inertia it has. Riders who frequently go to amusement parks and ride on roller coasters are usually astonished by the fact that these do not have engines. Immediately, riders nquire, how does it stay on tracks, what makes it remain in motion, why we do not fall when turned upside down? Initially, the train of a roller coaster is only pulled up the first hill by a motor but after such action, it must finish the ride by itself. It is not a motor that is responsible for driving the roller coaster but rather the conversion of potential energy to kinetic energy. The train gets the kinetic energy necessary for the entire ride from the first steep hill it goes down. Energy can never be created or destroyed, however, it is conserved through forces like gravity, which is known as conservation of energy. Kinetic and potential energy are the two most important types of energy that a roller coaster needs to function. Kinetic energy is energy of motion, the faster an object or something moves, the more kinetic energy it possesses. On the other hand, potential energy is defined as energy of position or stored energy. The roller coaster utilizes potential energy, which is dependent of the mass of the train and the height, when the motor lifts it up the hill and then, this transfers to kinetic energy when the roller coaster suddenly drops, gaining speed. Therefore, the sum of kinetic and potential energy forms the mechanical energy of he roller coaster, energy which is occasionally lost throughout the ride due to friction. Potential energy is transferred into kinetic energy at the beginning of the ride as the roller coaster undergoes its first descent. When the train of the roller coaster is at the peak of the hill, it possesses a lot of potential energy and much less kinetic energy because it is at a high altitude and moves slowly. Conversely, when it is at the bottom, it has a lot of kinetic energy and less potential energy because it moves faster and is closer to the ground. Roller coasters get some of the potential nergy lost to kinetic energy when it starts elevating itself again to the top of the hill. This is a continuous process that the train repeats until it comes to rest. Isaac Newtons three laws of motion also relate to roller coasters. Newtons first law or the law of inertia states that if an object is at rest it will remain at rest, and if an object is in motion it will continue with constant speed in a straight line unless an external force is exerted upon it. In a roller coaster, the outside forces exerted on the train of the roller coaster are the brakes or frictional force, which makes it slow down r decelerate. Newtons second law states the acceleration of an object depends on the mass of the object and the net force applied. This is why when the train is going down a hill the speed is so high because of the amount of heavy mass the train carries such as the weight of each person. Therefore, it is said that F (force) = m (mass) * g (gravitational force). So the force that you encounter when going down the steep hill is equal to the mass of the train plus the mass of all the riders multiplied by the gravitational force, which is equal to 9. 8 m/s squared. Lastly, Newtons third aw states that when one body applies a force to another body, the second body applies an equal and opposite force to the first body. This theory in practice is when, for example, you go through a curve and you feel and think that the seat you are in is pushing you, but similarly, you also do the same to the seat because you apply an Furthermore, roller coasters also encounter frictional forces. Friction is defined as a force that acts to resist the relative motion or attempted motion of objects or materials that are in contact. Friction is why the train of a roller coaster reduces peed as goes through the tracks; it makes it harder for the train to roll. This is why as you can observe in an amusement park, the biggest and highest hills of a roller coaster are put at the beginning of the ride and leave the smallest for last in order to keep the train moving. The frictional force of a roller coaster acts in direct opposition to the motion of it. There is friction in the wheels of the roller coaster, as it rubs with the tract it runs through, and in wind drag or air resistance and these are the reasons why mechanical energy, the sum of potential and kinetic energy, is dissolved s the ride continues, and even more at the end of the ride and affects its velocity. If there were no friction then the roller coaster would keep going without stop. Roller coasters are one of the most popular and thrilling rides in an amusement park. During a roller coaster ride, many physics concepts are present that makes the ride so fascinating. Roller coasters undergo acceleration, they transform potential energy to kinetic energy, Newtons laws of motion are put in practice, friction resists its motion and it utilizes gravity and inertia. In short, physics works roller coaster.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Ebusiness Plan Online Furniture Shops Marketing Essay

Ebusiness Plan Online Furniture Shops Marketing Essay This report outlines an online business plan for our company known as the Online Furniture Shop. We tend to cater needs of several kinds of customers ranging from large organization, small offices, schools, restaurants, hospitals to homes. We offer a vast variety of products online on our website Consumers can not only browse through various categories of products, view their details and prices but they can also order furniture online. The rest of the report will determine several other elements required in the e-business plan for Online Furniture Shop. A.  Ã‚  Ã‚  The E-commerce Infrastructure Electronic commerce can be defined as the type of business or monetary transaction which involves the transfer of goods or services in exchange of some money over the internet. This covers a wide range of several types of businesses. These types include auctions, consumer based retail sites, music sites and business exchanges of goods/services between organizations. This business plan also determines the strategic plan required for establishing an Online Furniture Shop. The infrastructure of the business involves based e-commerce website development which will sell to both businesses and individually through the internet. The infrastructure of this e-business also comprises of DBMS, Web Master, Web-developer, E-marketing, logistics and distribution channels and integration of secure transaction channels.   B.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Markets in E-Commerce There are three types of markets in the e-business sector Business-to-Business, Business-to-Consumer and Consumer-to-Consumer. All the three business types have different business strategies and marketing plans since they focus on different groups of consumers. Our Online Furniture Shop will focus   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   a.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Business to Business Even though early e-commerce based businesses focused on retailing on the interest however it is believed that revenue generated through B2B e-commerce will exceed that of business to consumer revenue. A research published in 2000 stated that ratio of monetary volume of B2B to that of B2C is 10 to 1 (Rouse, 2010). Our company tends to cater the needs of large to small business organizations. We sell as wholesalers when dealing with businesses and selling in bulks. Our clients belong to categories such as schools, law firms, large business organizations, restaurants and other business class categories. We offer them furniture like office chairs, table, revolving chairs, folding tables, executive chairs, kindergarten chairs, hospital waiting room furniture etc. Organizations can view our products online and contact us through mail since we do not take order in bulk online rather we contact with the firm personally to fulfill their large requirements.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   b.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Business to Consumer Even though B2C e-commerce has gone through hard times especially after the bubble burst in 2000. However there has been an increase in the number of online shoppers since then. Even the future looks bright for B2C e-commerce as household shopping in U.S alone has raised from 39 to 48 percent in 2010 (Patton, 2007). Our other main clients are small scale consumers who want to furnish their homes. We provide high quality furniture like sofas, beds, dining tables, sofa-cum-beds, computer table etc. to our valuable consumers. The consumers can come on our website browse through the products and one they have selected what to buy they can register in simple steps, buy online through our highly secure website and get the delivery at their door-step within 5 business working days. Now buying furniture for home is just a few clicks away. C.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Business Models There are several e-commerce business models a company can integrate in their business plan for enhanced profitability. We will focus on merchant business model since we are the retailer and wholesalers of furniture further we also sale directly to our consumers through our website. Another model we might integrate is affiliation model in which the company might place banners on other websites to increase traffic on our website thus adapting pay-per-click traffic generation strategy. II. Marketing Concepts There are several innovative techniques through which our e-commerce business can market the offering and reach targeted markets. We will look individually analyze the strategies which will be used in our e-business.   A. Marketing Techniques Since the target market is individual consumer along with business sector therefore we will look at some of the ways in which Online Furniture Shop can position and market its offerings. Banners Company can place banners on popular websites with heavy traffic having an integrated link back to the site of the organization just like putting up billboards in real world. Crawlers We also intend to integrate SEO in our websites for search engines which use Crawlers technique to search the internet database so that the websites are ranked higher on the result page whenever a potential customer searches for furniture shops. Pop Up Pop-up ads can also be used as a marketing technique even though they are found quite annoying by some internet users. These are ads which will open up in a new window whenever a user opens an associated website like home decoration or office set-up. III. Communicating in e-commerce A. Social networking The use of social networking websites such as Facebook and Twitter for promotion of products and services will be quite beneficial for OFS since its a great way to bring customers to your websites and generate sales. These sites are also a great tool for link building by posting URLs which have a link to your website this method tends to increase the traffic (Introcaso , 2011). Through creation of social media our firm can offer discounts, coupons and announce contests to people following us on such social networking websites. Such sites are also a great tool to interact with the consumers directly and get feedback from them along with any suggestions. B.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Content Marketing OFS also intends to use content marketing as a method of disseminating and creating important content to acquire, engage and attract a potential target market. Content marketing basically is the art of communication with potential prospects and customers. The core essence of this marketing strategy is that if businesses keep giving consistent and valuable information to the buyer the buyer ultimately gives their loyalty as a reward. IV. Problems surrounding E-Commerce Due to a massive out growth in the e-commerce business sector there has also been an emergence of associated security threats. Due to which it is essential for e-commerce based businesses to cater some vital requirements. These fundamental security requirements of e-commerce business are the basis of a secure online business since this sector faces the greatest threat as stated by a report that the attacks in this sector have risen from 2006 to 2007 by 15% (Symantec, 2007). A. Privacy and security Since we also plan on starting an e-commerce based business therefore it is vital for the organization to integrate protection against potential security threats in the business plan.   We plan on carefully monitor and securing the monetary transaction channel before offering credit card purchase option like SSL and Address Verification Systems. Our website will also have a satisfactory site security, encryption, privacy policy and also insurance against identity theft if possible. V. Ethical Challenges in Online Business   Identity theft can be defined as the illegally acquired personal information like names, drivers license, address, Social Security Number, Bank or credit card number and exploiting this personal data for some unlawful activities (Sorbel, 2003). It is ranked as one of the fasted growing crimes in America.   Some laws and regulation which might regulate the rising issue of identity theft and which are also applied to our firm are described below. a. The Financial Services Modernization Act of 1999 According to the summary by The Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis (2000) this act has a clause which requires a disclosure of privacy policy by all financial institutions with regards to the sharing of personal information. This act has another requirement which states that a notice should be given to the consumer to opt out of sharing the personal information with some nonaffiliated third party. b. The Fair Credit Reporting Act This was proposed in order to secure the personal information of consumers which is exchanged during any business transaction. This act tends to promote the fairness, privacy and integrity of the information content of consumer reporting agencies as states by Federal Trade Commission (2011). VI. Conclusion Thanks to easy and cheap access to internet more and more people are buying online. Our e-business model caters almost all the requirements for establishing an online merchant business. The target market we are focusing on is also quite large therefore we expect a successful growth in the market.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Changes In Democracy: From Early Athenian To Present Day Politics Essay

Democracy: From Early Athenian To Present Day Politics. When following current events we can’t help but witness politicians use terms such as â€Å"defending freedom†, â€Å"liberty†, or â€Å"democracy†, but one is simply left wondering if the general public, or even the politicians themselves, know what those terms really mean or where they come from. The reality is that most don’t. The ideals of living in a democracy have been drastically changed from their original meanings and diluted into persuasive political language to become mere rhetoric as opposed to meaningful concepts of ethical and moral value.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The word democracy is thrown around to make convincing, patriotic speeches that many times are utilized to usurp the rights and property of peoples in the name of this most sacred of political concepts in the history of western civilization. In order to better understand the true meaning of this idea we must go back to its roots and search for the original intentions behind it. We must find the similarities and differences between Greek democracy and modern day democracy. By separating the two we can see how distant they are from each other. Without a clear understanding of the history involved we are easily blinded by the eloquence and charisma that politicians utilize to control the populace.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Democracy dates back to the Golden Age of Greece or the Classic Period. Not yet an organized, centralized nation Greece was made up of warring city-states none of which possessed full control over its neighbors. During this period and under these circumstances there was a tremendous advancement in Greek thought encompassing philosophy, politics, medicine, mathematics, and the sciences to name just a few areas of influence that still maintain a strong Greek legacy today.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Of all the Greek city-states it was Athens that gave birth to many of the political philosophies that still survive today. At around 600 B.C.E Athens was in severe economic, social, and political crisis. It was then that a rich aristocrat named Solon emerged to produce for Athens its first comprehensive set of political rules and regulations, overhauling the constitution, reining in the plutocrats, and giving decent measure of power and responsibility to the moderately well-off non-aristocrats. He also provided some legal... ...of a city (Minogue, p.11).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Unfortunately we have not kept the best of these ideas. In modern day politics rationality is no longer paramount. It is the reason we see the influence of politicians full of arrogance, believing in the superiority of their own authority trying to amass power through the use of the ancient Greek political concepts. Modern day politicians, mostly American, attempt to use emotion, not reason when addressing the American people. It is with great sadness that as we have witnessed with the last election this notion succeeded and now under the banner of â€Å"values† and fear will exploit the ignorance of the general public. Cartledge, Paul. The Greeks: Crucible of Civilizations. New York: TV Books, 2000 Freeman, Charles. The Greek Achievement: The Foundation of The Western World. New York: Viking Penguin, 1999 Martin, Thomas, R. Ancient Greece: From Prehistoric To Hellenistic Times. London: Yale University Press, 1996 Minogue, Kenneth. Politics: A Very Short Introduction. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1995 Pomeroy, Sarah, et al. Ancient Greece: A Political, Social, and Cultural History. New York: Oxford University Press, 1999

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Appearance: What You See Is Not Always What You Get Essay -- Literary

Thomas Pain once said â€Å"[a] long habit of not thinking a thing wrong gives it a superficial appearance of being right.† Appearances are the first thing to catch one’s attention. Whether it be a supermodel, a famous photograph, or the unmistakable golden arches: we take notice. The essays written by Judith Ortiz Cofer, Eric Schlosser, and Nora Ephron demonstrate the effect appearances have on individuals and our society undividedly. In Judith Ortiz Cofer's essay "The Story of My Body," she shares her struggle with appearance and self-esteem. Ms. Cofer admits her definitions of appearance changed when she relocated to the United States at age eight. She states "I was born a white girl in Puerto Rico, but became a brown girl when I came to live in the United States" (Cofer 323). For instance, Cofer is identified as a palm blanca in Puerto Rico and as a colored girl during her first encounter of color prejudice. In addition to her cultural dispute with appearance, Ms. Cofer displays an internal dispute with her appearance in size. At age twelve standing five-feet tall, Ms. Cofer was viewed by her family as a tall young woman in comparison to her mother who was no taller than four-foot-eleven. Her mother exemplified this by saying â€Å"†[s]ince you are so tall, this dress will look good on you†" (Cofer 326). Her classmates at her New Jersey public school viewed her appearance very differently. Ms. Co fer was perceived as the "4F, skinny, short, bespectacled" (Cofer 326) kid on the playground impervious to competition; whereas her true competition lay in the classroom. Appearance is what creates an initial attraction to one’s significant other; for example, Cofer describes her first crush, Ted, whom she describes as "pretty with yellow ... ... photographic coverage of events must be published regardless of the subject, simply because the events took place. The author states " That's why photojournalism is often more powerful than written journalism" (Ephron 438), emphasizing that censorship harms the purity of death and that interpretation and judgment must be left to the reader. Ms. Ephron establishes, appearances are memorable and powerful. Society’s views always fluctuate, as they are allowed, and censorship is a major threat the right to form our own opinions. An initial reaction can be everlasting. This is why it is believed that appearance and first impressions are most important. Although, understanding what we see versus what we get is vital. It is imperative to venture past first appearances and impressions; sometimes there lies honesty or deceit. Appearances are not always what they seem.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Behaviorism vs. Cognitive Psychology Essay

Watson believed that psychology did not accomplish the goal of predicting and controlling the behavior of a person. He believed that psychology had two problems; the pursuit of consciousness as an object of study and the use of introspection as a method. Watson developed a type of psychology that he believed would address these issues, behaviorism. â€Å"Psychology as the behaviorist views it is a purely objective experimental branch of natural science. Its theoretical goal is the prediction and control of behavior† this is the definition of behaviorism that John Watson expressed as his Columbia address. Behaviorism is said to limit the psychological study of behavior. Watson believes that humans had three innate emotions when they were born: fear, rage, and love. The goal would be to take one of the emotions and condition it to a stimulus in order to create a response that was not previously elicited. This was demonstrated in the â€Å"Little Albert† experiment. Watson had a baby, Little Albert, who was not fearful of white rats. During the experiment whenever Little Albert was shown a white rat Watson would pair it with a loud noise until the baby showed fear. This experiment showed that fear can be conditioned in a person. Behaviorism tended to dominate American Psychology until approximately 1954 when cognitive psychology started. â€Å"You say you want a revolution. Well, we all want to change the world.† This quote describes the change in psychology that developed cognitive psychology during an era of social change. Experimental psychologist began seeing a change when the number of unexplained human behavior increased. Psychologist started to think that in order to understand human behavior, mental processes can no longer be ignored. Cognitive psychology was created to understand these mental processes by analyzing the way sensory information is transformed, reduced, elaborated, stored, recover, and used in the brain. It can be e xplained using a computer metaphor, which means that the ideas of conceptual models played a role in the processing, storage, and retrieval of information. Which leads to Gestalt’s psychology experience should be studied as it occurs. Experience is processed into storage in our brain and that storage is available for retrieval for later experiences. An example of this would be Gestalt’s Organizing Tendencies, organization such as grouping is learned at a young age and stored in our memory, now every time after that   experience the mind tends to organize the stimuli into groups without the person’s awareness this is happening. In conclusion, behaviorism is the prediction and control in behavior and cognitive psychology has to do with the way the brain senses, percepts, imagines, retains, recalls, problem solves, and thinks. Behaviorism and cognitive psychology both need each other to exist it is not possible for one to exist without the other. Behaviorism is human experience that is argued that experience is not directly knowable. Scientist began to see an increase in unexplained behavior and determined that mental processes must be analyzed in order to have an accurate depiction of the experiences that should be studied as they occur. Cognitive psychology may be superior to behaviorism because it takes behaviorism to the next level. Behaviorism is the human experiences and cognitive psychology added the extra factor of analyzing the mental processes. In closing, cognitive psychology would not exist without the basic theories of behaviorism and behaviorism would have faded away quickly having so many unexplained behaviors. Cognitive psychology and behaviorism need each other to exist. Work Cited Benjamin, L.T. (2007). A brief history of modern psychology. Malden, MA: Wiley- Blackwell.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

The Pacific Legend-Maui

Introduction The gods played an important part in the daily lives of Polynesian in early pacific islands. Perhaps the most deeply loved of Polynesian god is Maui. Although the legend of demi-god Maui is always be descript as the mischief maker or trickster god, but the Maui story probably has a larger number of unique and ancient myths than that of any other legendary character in the mythology of any nation. â€Å"There are three centers for these Maui legends, New Zealand in the south, Hawaii in the north, and the Tahitian group including the Hervey Islands in the east. (â€Å"LEGENDS OF MAUI† 2007) Following are versions of summary â€Å"THE GIANT EEL† told on the island of Maui, Hawaii. Summary of â€Å"The Giant eel† (from the book of â€Å"Maui Mischievous Hero† 1969) As Maui had grown to manhood, his mother went for a lengthy stay on the island of Hawaii. Maui began making the long trip to see his grandmother in Haleakala. Besides, there are always had good things to eat! Plenty of bananas, breadfruit, coconuts, poi, and fish of all kinds. Grandma said â€Å"what are grandmothers for, if not to look out for grandchildren who come to see them? † One day a cloud hung suspended in the air like a misty pillar.Like an omen that frightened him. Grandmother said â€Å"It’s a cry for help, be quick, Maui! That is the Ao-‘opua, the Warning Cloud. Your mother is in danger! † He grabbed the magic axe ran so fast that he couldn’t stop, he reached the ocean and jumped into his canoe, paddle across the channel to save his mother. At last, he arrived his mother’s cave. He saw his mother’s enemy, the giant eel Kuna Loa. Kuna Loa had once asked Maui’s mother to marry him, and when she refused he was so angry that he swore he would get even with her. Maui throw the hot lava rocks into the river tried to scare the giant eel Kuna Loa away.When he made his way back to the cave, he expressed t he missing affection to his mother, and hope his mother can come back with him. However as grandmother said â€Å"Maui’s mother is a roving soul† As the result Maui’s mother refused to go back with Maui. Back on Maui own island, he heard a faint wailing sound that uttering a chant of fear, Maui’s mother is in trouble again. As swiftly as before, he journeyed to Hawaii Island again. This time Maui wasted no time he used the magical axe struck again and again, the giant eel was cut thousand pieces. It is said that these bits where they became the eels that are found in it today. Come, Mother† Maui held her still and asked again,† when are you coming home, where I can take proper care of you? † â€Å"Some day, â€Å"she said lightly. â€Å"some day I’ll come. † Conclusion â€Å"There are many Maui legends appear with variations throughout of the Pacific islands. The details of the stories also vary with different cultures b ut the underlying morals and role model remains much the same† (Dean Web1). In the legend of â€Å"The Giant Eel† its shows the Maui’s mixture of human and godlike qualities. The affection between his mother and his grandmother, reflected the family relationship in nowadays tribal society.The parents are the â€Å"roving soul† trying to find a good job and leaving the hometown, and the grandparents are the next kin to taking care of their young children without doubt. As well the channel as the barrier that become generation gap in the family. At last, the giant eel symbolized temptations of modern society which are danger but cannot be avoided. However, every time an omen or sound of chant comes, Maui will be a hero to save his mother but every time his mother also refused to come back and offered an unachievable promise that seems to comfort Maui.Therefore, in the end of story as godlike as Maui only can be desperately watching his mother as she went bac k toward her cave and helpless. Legends of Maui have been told and retold for so many centuries, and I believed the legends will reminiscence and encourage in very ways for the later generation. Also help us understand people who lived long ago. References: 1. W. D. Westervelt (2009) â€Å"Legends of Maui†, a Demi-God of Polynesia. Preface. 2. 9-11 2. Lyons, Barbara. (1969) â€Å"Maui :mischievous hero†. The Giant EEL. 25. summary. 3. Dean, n. d. Web. â€Å"Legends of Maui. † Review. Web log post. Legends of Maui. .

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Qualities of a Good Parent

Parenting is defined as one who begets, gives birth to, or nurtures and raises a child; a father or mother (The free dictionary, 2013). The definition does not mean that one will make a good parent. Becoming a parent can be one of the most exciting times in ones life, or it can be a horrific experience. For most, it is a good experience that brings them happiness, joy and excitement. Others fear the unknown, do not like kids, or have a negative impression of parenting.Truthfully, parenting is all in what you make of it. Good parenting is categorized by many different factors. Some of these factors that categorize a good parent are self-sacrificing, teachable, curious, and diligence (Mallory, 2013). Self-sacrificing means that a parent will do anything they humanly can to protect and take care of their child. Teachable means that you are willing to learn various aspects of parenting. Curious means that you are intrigued at finding things out about how to be or become a better parent.D iligence means that you work hard to be the best parent that you can. According to the article, What Qualities Make a Good Parent, becoming a good parent is a high calling that every parent should strive to achieve (2013). If one is not a good parent, they can always work at being a better parent. If they work at being a better parent, their child will notice those changes and in return not have a negative connotation of parenting. With the good, there always come the bad. There are certain qualities that make an ineffective parent.According to the article, Four Traits Common to Bad Parents, there are so many pitfalls in parenting, and no parent wants to raise a brat, a beast, a shooter, or a Clinton, but some of us do in spite of that (2001). The four traits addressed about bad parents are: poor excuses, no consequences for their actions, expect everything given to them, and defensive/critical (McKinney, 2001). These traits shed some light on the pitfalls of parenting, but one must rise above this and do better.The obvious answer to being a good parent is to be a loving, caring individual, and one who strives for excellence for their child. Good parents should have a plan to teach their self-control, personal integrity and a sense of responsibility to themselves, their families and their fellow citizens, even when it hurts both them (McKinney, 2001). By setting parameters and goals as a parent you are more likely to have a positive experience and feel as if you are a â€Å"good parent. Good parenting takes a lot of commitment, participation and sacrifice, it also takes a lot of mistakes. With these mistakes come learning, and in return the quality of your parenting will increase. References Mallory, D. (December 2012). What Qualities Make a Good Parent? Retrieved March 12, 2013 from http://www. wahm. com/articles/what-qualities-make-a-good parent. html McKinney, S. (April 2011). Four Traits Common to Bad Parents Retrieved March 12, 2013 from http://www. ente rstageright. com/archive/articles/0401badparents. htm

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Analyzing some of the traditional HRM FUNCTIONS AT nike (EX selection, Essay

Analyzing some of the traditional HRM FUNCTIONS AT nike (EX selection, training; evaluation & compensation) - Essay Example This objective of Nike reflects in its human resource management functions. The company has introduced the educational assistance programs because it is very important to have workers who are willing to learn and who show the interest to develop themselves. Hence, their recruitment policy is to consider only those employees who have an inclination to improve their skills and educational levels. After the recruitment and selection of employees with this kind of specific attitude, the next step of training and development is planned and implemented. The training and development of the workers is done by offering opportunities for general education purposes like, if workers want to learn to read, write and fill any gaps in their early childhood education. In another aspect the company also conducts seminars and workshops for supervisors in factories so that they improve their production and management skills. The main advantage of this policy to give improve the quality of human resourc e is to increase the value of human resources and to create a favorable learning environment in the company which is very essential to grow in the highly competitive globalised economy. The next aspect for discussion is the compensation. At Nike the wages of the twenty thousand employees are based on the qualifications and skills and the policies are designed so that all the hours worked (regular and overtime) are compensated. In addition to this the workers who have shown interest in improving their skills and who have completed any educational program are given promotions and their salaries and perks are increased. The company also has a detailed human resource information system to store all the information about the employees’ profile, education and training, performance. It can be accessed anywhere in the world by a certain group of